
Showing posts from 2014


成长是可怕的。 它可怕的地方在于, 儿时的对与错, 小时的是非题, 全都不见了。 少了那踏实的对错, 再也没有那可靠的是非谱, 你说对就对,你说这样就这样, 标准每天都在换, 安稳的心需要自己去寻找。 成长,有点恐怖。 成长,却无法避免。


I promise myself, this will be my last depression in life. Checked. Carpe diem started :)

Daylight comes.

Night before the dawn is dark. Moments before tsunami are dull and calm. Caterpillar is ugly before becoming beautiful butterfly. Harland Sanders used 60 years to establish the amazing fried chicken. Metamorphosis takes time. Change is painful. I am the happiness key holder. My amazing life restarts today, and now !

The Last Day.

People always say be yourself. They say live life as your own life. They tell you to embrace every moment. Live life as if it's the very last day of your life. Steve said. Theories are so common. Everyone knows.  Practice requires a little strength, a little wisdom. I hope I could have done a little bit better. Live life as the last day of your life.