
Showing posts from April, 2016

Things Don't Matter When You Die

I have missed out too many things. I missed attending important events of important people. I missed enjoying wonderful moments with the loved ones. I lost the opportunity to connect deeply with great people, I lost the chance to love and to be loved. I feared instead of cheering. I pushed instead of encouraging. I avoided instead of learning. I ran the wrong way, being oblivious that there is just another way beside me. If today were the last day of your life, will you still do what you are about to do today?


If today were the last day of your life, will you still do what you about to do today? When the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I have to change something. If today were the last day of my life, I shall throw away all negative thoughts, no matter how big they are. I shall look at the positive, the wonderful, the kind, the happy. Letting go could be painful. But there lies the blessing in disguise. I shall simplify. I shall be simple. I shall focus. And then, cherish, run, persist, go. I shall enjoy the hardest as the simplest.


小时候看到某某人有某某强项,就觉得那某某人好厉害 后来发现其实某某人只是比我们更努力,其实只要坚定坚持,我们都可以当某某人。 年少时总爱更一些现实派朋友争论到底努力是不是一定会成功 每一次都要争得欲罢不休,甚至吵得面红耳赤 现在发现成功与否根本就不是人生的重点 或许到我们死的那一天也没成功 但没关系,因为人生如果能过得璀璨就已足够。 前几年发现自己在某方面总能给别人深入的意见与建议,当时以为自己真的有些斤两 现在发现其实这是一个百花齐放,各有各精彩的世界 我能给予意见,也只是因为自己刚好遇见在哪方面稍逊的人罢了 而那些人肯定也有很多比我更好能给予我意见的人。 人生,循序渐进就好 继续努力,一步一脚印。


曾经以为能够上报上电视的人多厉害,后来发现他们只是媒体商业的棋子。 曾经以为情侣分手甚至离婚是作茧自缚,后来发现那是复杂问题所逼出来的自暴自弃。 曾经以为所有的背叛是一方的作恶多端,后来发现那是能者居之法则的因果。 曾经以为热血与信心能跨越一切,后来发现热血与信心是最容易褪色的东西。 曾经以为世界是由真理顽强地构造和支配着,后来发现真理是人所定夺的。 所有的曾经以为还是会被某些傻子坚信着,所有的曾经以为还是会被某些痞子敲打着。 退一步看全局才是唯一对策,放下自尊勇敢认输才是唯一出路。 或许在这个真心最不值钱的年代,真心是最值钱的。 Being all-rounded, being diverse, being a jack of all trades is no longer a choice. Putting all effort and doing everything you can to pump up self-awareness is no longer a trivial priority. They are survival necessity. See things in the most unexpected perspective brings you the most unexpected outcome. This is self-management. This is self-lead. This is self-responbility towards your own life. The best way to prevent failure is to keep waking up from every single failure. Keep moving, just keep fucking moving. Just fail, just feel the pain of life, feel both the joy and the pain, feel them strongly. "I hope that you fall in love, and hurt so bad." Live a life, don't live success. L...