
Showing posts from November, 2016

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Life is cyclical. 以前单纯地认为精神就是一切,只要有信念, 努力奋不顾身地去争取,就一定会得到 That's a real pain at the same time real joy, the blissful ignorance of fighting for things that seem impossible yet painful to give up on. 后来一直失败,人家开始跟你讲你这个做错了,那个应该那样做 开始研究所有的‘怎样’和‘如何’ 但所有的‘怎样’和‘如何’都没用解决问题的根本 最后才发现原来精神和信念才是最根本的元素 绕了一大圈,又回到同样的原点,只是这一次起跑的人不在是同一个以前的我了。 On a macro level every single thing and every single people is the same. 要用macro level的精神看世界。 You control every single piece of things that happened to you. It's weird to see how people who are in same age of mine, people who we used to do the same thing, are now doing entirely different things. I view the things that they do as childish, but they view the things that  I am doing stupid too. It's scary to see that how dynamic life is.