Don't do anything
Keep your money in bank accounts, because stock market crashes are too scary. They will wipe out all of your money! Don't fight for the top position in a company, because they are too hard. You won't be able to make it. They are only reserved for capable people. You are not. Don't talk to attractive opposite genders, because rejections are really damn bad. Your self-esteem will be completely destroyed. If you love to paint, don't publish your painting to public, they are too ugly. If you love gaming, don't join tournament, you will lose. If you love singing, don't sing and post on Youtube. People only watch good singing from famous singers. You are not them. If you love running projects, don't start business, most good ideas have already been taken. Don't take actions, because they are not projects that are 100% sure of succeeding. Don't believe in yourself, because others are better. Don't think big, because you are small. Don...