+2 Dimensions
(1) Roughly 10 years ago, my parents discovered their favourite restaurant somewhere 15 mins of drive from my home. They went there so often and they liked the restaurant so much to the extent that whenever they finished eating, they would stay there for awhile to chat with other customers who shared the same table (all tables of the restaurant were unusually big). Sooner they also realised that there were also people who, like them, like this restaurant so much and visit it frequently. Then they became friends. One of their friends is a bald old man in his sixties. He is very talkative and extroverted. So I have quite some impression on him when I followed my parents to the restaurant. Later, I got to know more about his background. He is a bachelor (and therefore needless to say, he does not have any children). He is illiterate. He worked as a factory worker for his whole life which was largely consisted of manual labour. He used to have some chronic heart illness. Some years...