6/1/2012 8.30am-10.15am Legal Method LXEB1101, Ended. Three months ago, I entered Faculty of Law, University Malaya, accidentally. I remembered the first day, when I first breathed the air of legal studies. At the end of that day, I told my myself, I will work very hard from now onward, because I realized the thorough difference between others and me. Three months passed, I breached my own promise. I almost did nothing. Didn't prepare tutorials, at worse skipped classes Pretended in classes, to ask some question, as tricks to get participation marks Lecturer reached the final destination, but I was still at the starting point. Too much of commitments on activities, societies, clubs, events? Yes, it may be the excuses, even the true reasoning behind. My own fault? "Who call you go and join so many things?" I thought, I can cope. I thought, I was still in secondary school, still taking SPM. I thought, aptitude and intelligence, can replace perseverance and efforts well. I t...
我也有相同的问题…哈哈~慢慢改过来吧…因为每个人都会有脾气的 :)