Little Changes, Big Differences

Month of April. It's almost the end of another chapter of KMM. Saw all the juniors had fun and great memories all over the year again. Watched the flashback video, which always becomes great reflection of everyone, and generates tears. It's really glad to see they united together, and even did better than what we did before. Especially Pesta 1 Malaysia. They accomplished what we couldn't realise last year.

I am really happy and proud of them. But the feeling is coming back again. Guilty and regretful. I personally always feel very disappointed on our batch. We weren't united enough, in truth a lot of us aren't friends at all even until the last day. Why? I don't really know the real causes.

I believe that a great event can bring everyone together, and all of us will share mutual memories after that.
Yes. We had A Day to Remember. But it wasn't enough.

I am really regret. Why I didn't foresee the importance of it. Why I can't just be more determined. Why I can't be more capable. Why I was so freaking useless.
I actually destroyed the happiness of everyone.
We lost the chance to get further happiness.We lost the chance to get united.

Sorry. I am really sorry.


  1. It ain't your fault. Don't be overwhelmed by the guilt. You can't change the past, but the future is still in your hand. =)

  2. Hye Bro, not ur fault la. why so EMO? cheer! (=

  3. Come on. Nobody appointed you the task to make all of us united. Taking the chance to step out and volunteer is already a very good move. And, even after we failed, you stilled continue to help for the prom. The responsibility is not on you alone, followers must cooperate as well. That's the thing that didn't happen and out of everyones control. So don't take it so hard on yourselves. You are better than you think.


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