
23rd January 2018 | 6.28pm | Starbucks Nexus Bangsar South

Finished 'working' for a sinecure, I did not go home and instead I came to a cafe. I have not been doing this for almost a year, after my perplexing change of behaviours.

I have learned a lot about settling for the good instead of fighting for the best, not risking myself instead of taking risks and "no pain no gain".

But my System 1 non-stop craving for the best thing, the most beautiful girl, the most perfect scenario, the best opportunity, the best thing on earth. These things are great, but they are highly volatile, highly risky and the Damocle's sword are hanging on top of you while you got them.

And then I started doubting myself that is that real? The risks seem unreal. Maybe I should?

Maybe I should be assertive? Maybe I would ended up wasted the best years of my life settling for less?

Also, it is possible that I am fine and it is already the best actually. Thank you.


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