
Showing posts from September, 2018


最近Astro AEC播了一部叫 “229明天见” 的新加坡连续剧,题材非常新鲜,讲述一家4口接二连三的被困在2月29日这一天里,意思说他们睡醒后发现新的一天和昨天是一模一样的,都说2月29日,他们一直重复同一天,永远无法看到3月1日的那一天。每一天他们所见到的人,经历对的事一直再重复,妈妈每一天在傍晚都会心脏病爆发,女儿每一个下午都会重复的遇上车祸,然而隔天她们又活了过来。 整个故事感觉非常离奇,时不时也有惊悚和科幻的感觉。但后来发现原来一家四口一直被困在同一天的原因是他们4人都做了严重的亏心事,而且从未为他们所做的坏事道歉或公开。他们4人都是被他们自己的“心魔”所困,所以逃不出229。他们需要把他们所做了的坏事说出来并诚心道歉才有机会逃脱229。这部事看起来是低成本小制作和小卡士,但剧本的创意觉对能拿“最佳剧本"奖。感觉它和The Matrix一样都是基于哲学(或佛学的因果)出发所写的剧本。 这部戏让我联想起再开朗生活再美好的人都有那超级黑暗的一面,就好像剧中的爸爸因为私心一而再再而三的撒谎避免公开自己做过的坏事。 而每个人都面对两个选择: 1) 永远不提也不公开那黑暗的亏心事,反正没人知到。那样可以过着美好的生活,不需面对指责和惩罚。但这个选择的风险是,你越拖越迟,如果有一天东窗事发的活,后果会更严重,受害者更加不可能原谅你。 2)   马上公开和直面亏心事,道歉,忏悔和祈求原谅。这过程超级痛苦,就好像剧中爸爸挣扎了很久很久一直徘徊在诚实和隐瞒之间。但在这风险背后的好处是,直面了,如果熬过了惩罚,得到了原谅或宽恕,等着你的是真正快乐坦诚的无憾人生。 我也想起我做过的“亏心事”,我只和一位朋友说过,其他人完全不知道。他说那只是小事。很多时候我也忘了,但看了这剧后我又想起,竟然还是有一些不安的感觉。这“亏心事”让我得到了真的不少,甚至是名利,但也过后的几年我也得到了一些惩罚。 这戏的主题曲里的歌词 :“我们困住自己,重复着心里游戏,无意还是故意?"

Moronic norm. Be anti-norm

Me: "The battery of my phone is spoiled." Dad: "Then send to service centre for repair" Me: "No, I am going to use screwdrivers to deconstruct the phone and find out what's wrong with the battery, or any other possible problems" Dad: "Why bother yourself so much? You might not know how to do it, and you might exacerbate the problem upon deconstructing it" Me: "The smartphone was once upon a time constructed by an engineer who is a normal human like you and I. When you take initiative to explore something by yourself instead of relying on others, you learn a lot of new things. That's called discovery. I really damn hate the fact that when I was in high school no one encouraged me to explore and discover things by myself, especially computers and electronics. Everyone just took things as its face value, so did I." Dad: "That means you don't have the aptitude and fate to be in computer industry or engineering industry...


The Greatest Showman The Wolf of Wall Streets Office Space The Martian Ladybird Shape of Water Antman 2 Infinity War Black Panther The Matrix Wreck-it Ralph Coco Mother! Pulp Fiction Rosemary's Baby 七月与安生 一念无明 踏血寻梅 六弄咖啡馆 颠佬正传 Dunkirk Boyhood Interstellar Hell of High Water La La Land The Theory of Everything Zootopia Inside Out The Lion King Silver Linings Playbook Life of Pi The Kids Are All Right Up In The Air Up Coach Carter Shawshank Redemption Psycho Forrest Gump Good Will Hunting Batman Begins The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises 500 days summer Pitch Perfect The Producers 香港仔 千言万语 香港制造 新不了情 The Boy