Human Nature 101

[Part 1: How to trick employees]

If you are a manager, a boss or in whatever position that requires you to lead some people, this is the tip for you:

Give RM50 raise (or any other small perks) to every employee, and tell them "This is specially for you only, don't tell the rest". 

You now successfully made the whole team love you. And none of them will tell the rest, because everyone believes that he/she is special like what you have assured them. 

If you are an employee, team member or in whatever position that requires you to be led by others, this is the tip for you:

Be very careful when your leaders tell you that you are the special one, because very often they are telling all of your colleagues the same line. 

[Part 2: How to make people dislike you]

If you want people to like you, talk only about him: his job, his family, his hobby, his frustrations, his fear etc.

Ask everything about him, talk nothing about yourself.

If you want people to dislike you, talk only about yourself: your job, your hobby, who you ate, what you do everyday etc.

Talk everything about yourself, ask nothing about him.

Note: The "him" and "his" are general pronouns referring to both man and woman. It's too cumbersome to write "him/her"every time. 

Related post worth reading: 


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