A Case for Vaccines Mandate

[Case 1: If Vaccines are Mandated]

Chance of vaccines killing everyone on the planet:
As low as the roof of your house falling on your head

Chance of vaccines eradicating COVID-19:
Not 0*

Chance of governments tyrannically implementing a unanimous policy:
Almost 100

[Case 2: If Vaccines are not Mandated]

Chance of COVID-19 being eradicated:
How is it even possible?^

Chance of COVID-19 (from at least 1 person) killing everyone on the planet:
Not 0

Chance of individual liberties remaining impervious:

* Those who allege that vaccines caused coronavirus mutation couldn't prove that "If there weren't vaccines coronavirus would never have mutated".

^ Saying "Darwinian elimination method (letting weaker people die from COVID-19)" is a "COVID-19 eradication method" is like saying "let cockroaches eating my leftovers" as a method of washing dishes.


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