Challenge Gifted By God


Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut :


Yes. This is what I get.
TAHNIAH ? I wanna smash the laptop at that moment.

Funny. Just one day ago , I've written a post says that hope to see joy and laughter among everyone. Now I become the laughter of others.
HAHAHA. Law of attraction , bullshit. Never apply on me . I'm always the exclusion.
Why do I work so hard for a year ???

Feel stupid . Looks like I'm the only one who looks down yesterday.
Most of them are getting what they want , congratz to them.
I'm always the unlucky one.

Nobody will understand how I desperate toward law..
Somebody says : Civil Engineering also not bad mah..
I hate to hear such thing , although I know they are trying to comfort me..thanks..

I cried. Cause I really can't accept the truth, although I've imagined such thing to happen before.
But , I know I've to.
Sorry dad and mum , although I know you two will say : aiya nvm wat we oso dun mind one..but I know you two felt dissapointed also...
Plenty of messages came into my phones, and some even made attempt to call me,sorry for not answering..
Thanks friends..I feel warmed and touching..

After a night, I'm ok right now..I know what I've to do..
Appeal, fight till the end.
Nothing can stop me.

I will prove that , science student can study law as good as art student, or even better.
I will prove that , not choosing me is their worst decision ever.
I will prove that , I am eligible to be a successful lawyer.
I can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Allen, + u! We'll support u d. (:

  2. Don't Give Up! We'll be supporting you now and forever!!!

  3. +u and all the best ya <3 remember dun giv up!!we r supporting u <3<3<3

  4. Thanks alot guys ! :)


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