
      How are you? How was your last two months of university life? How was your trip to Cambodia? It must be really really tough, but I know you went through it beautifully.

      You have become a much happier person, enjoying and living at your current moment of life. You are now no longer craving for success and achievements, you are now no longer looking for results as a proof of your worthiness, you no longer feel unsatisfied and regret on your past experiences.

      You are able to do things slowly, step by step. You focus, indulge and enjoy every process in every single thing that you do. You love the present, you love now until you have forgotten the future. You are appreciating yourself, you are able to appreciate happiness, you appreciate life.

      You recalled your original self, the you who cared a lot about people around you, who cared a lot about the society, the environment. Now you are a little wiser, you know what are great in your life. You protect those things which are great, you take care of them, you do something for them, you put a lot of effort on them.

      Your past experience, up or low, beautiful or disgusting, great or worse, they have gifted you wisdom.  The wisdom leads you to the art of life. You don't really know how will your route of life be in many years later, but you are going to go through day by day, patiently and wonderfully, because your past is always there to back you up.

Proud of you!


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