My personal wonders

Number one.
So many Malaysians are so ignorant and culturally not sensitive.
Living in this country for decades yet do not know how to call Chinese names appropriately?
Worse is they don't even try, they opt for the easier one, they only call the Malay names and the so-called 'Christian' name (It's just an English name anyway).

Number two.
Every single task every single piece of work every single system has its own rules of game.
And all of them can be hacked. There is always one way to hack it and win it.
At the end, be smart and aim for the tactical victory first, but remember at the same time maintain you own purposes and values.
They are equally important. Cant rank one over another.

Number three.
No matter how well the current world and the 21st century has developed on the concept of free speech, democracy, human rights and etc, there won't be any absolute democracy.
No flat hierarchy, no complete equality. 
The prey will forever be afraid of the predator.
The fear towards the powerful ones will always remain.
Humans love to succumb, love to run away. 
Humans afraid to confront.
Because the powerful has power to do anything.

Number four.
"Malaysians are guilty of complacency. Blessings? Better? Better than who? I don't want us to be just better than Zimbabwe."
Nothing wrong to continue talk cock sing song on how good Malaysian food are, how awesome Malaysian places or traditions are.
But your choice of being silent or inaction towards the prominent political and social issues can be a no lesser sins than the act of directly harming the nation.

"We don't love each other, but at least we don't kill each other."
A statement to feel blessed about? 
A student should never feel happy or contented for getting a mere pass when he or she can score flying colours.

Low, very low on awareness.
Those who are aware of doesn't take actions.
Shallow, we don't stumble upon the words 'solution-oriented' and 'action-oriented' in our dictionaries or thesaurus. 


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