Academic Objectives Swayed

Regardless of whether our professors are pro-government, pro-opposition, or independent, how many of them actually set out to reform the people around them? To help those in need?

When academicians write about poverty, urban transportation, liberty, Maqasid Shariah, the theory of economic growth, or political issues, do they want to make a change or is it just another research paper to be published?

“The gap between the policy designers and implementers strike at the reality of practice”
“Philosophy should be taught at every faculty!”
“Are we producing good men or good workers?”

Tracing it from past to present trajectory, he argued that in the new reality, universities are not driven by scholars anymore.

Rather, corporate demands assume the quintessential focus of the university today. We talk about employability of the graduates, what the industries want, and what the economy needs.

It used to be that university is not driven by market, but by the pursue of knowledge. But we are increasingly moving away from that liberal socio-cultural tradition.

“Now we are very proud to announce and showcase cooperation with foreign universities such as Johns Hopkins, Stanford or Harvard. Once upon a time, we were very proud to develop our own courses, tradition, and studies, ranging from history to Malay literature, the social sciences and humanities.”

The scholar knows something the layman doesn’t. It is hoped that he doesn’t keep that knowledge to himself and carries it to the grave, but rather, teaches it to the layman so that they both become capable of making informed decisions, political and otherwise.

When we need to ask why we should be bothered to preserve our history, the question itself reflects a genuine lack of appreciation and sense of belonging.

When we feel belonged to a bigger community, we will not think about neglecting our history because the history of a community gives meaning to its very identity.

All of the above are cited from an article titled "A plea to Universiti Malaya" by Ooi Kok Hin
Can't agree more on his view about academicians. Great views.


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