Extreme Mediocrity

Wow wow wow. I am really 'impressed'.

In a useless 'management class' with all the futile bullshit theories, everyone took it very seriously, copy notes and take them as gold.
In the possibly most useful class about fire prevention, no one takes notes, no one asks questions, no one cares. I really wonder will they remember how to use the fire extinguishers. They don't.

There are even people staying upstair in the office, not attending the talk because 'they have alot of important work to do'
What's the logic? I am really trying to understand what's going on in their minds. They totally reversed the logic.
What's more important? Work or life?
The most important thing to hedge about in our life is our life.

The reason they care about the management class is simple, it's something directly impacting them. Their job, whether they will perform better and get promoted, whether they will climb higher and receive better pays.
It's 'important' for them because no money no life.
Imbecile. I hope they understand the reverse, without life everything else is nil.

Typical selfish mediocre middle classes. They are never curious on things other than themselves. They only care about their own work, promotion. They will never wonder why this organisation come to give a talk, why do they exist, how they function, what's the point etc.

Not forget the typical shits that the Malaysians (Especially Chinese? Idk) like to behave:
- No one wants to sit in first row
- No one dares to raise up their hands
- Very few would volunteer to answer questions posed by the speaker
- It would cost their life for them to ask the speaker questions (Or their minds are so empty that they dont know what to ask, thanks to school and 'systems', they lost the ability to question things)

I really think the behaviours above are abnormal (And very likely they think that they are normal and as a result I appeared abnormal). And it is the best demonstration of stupidity, to the max. I wanted to curse for this insane level of imbecility, extremely moronic. They seem like a properly function individual with limbs, but their thinking showed that their brains are really empty (Or they don't have brain at all). Their brains are full of shits, or in Tim Urban's terms, their brains have an insanely thick and hopelessly incurable layer of dogma (smokes by the animals like monkeys and elephants).

And all of these are not actually surprising. Mediocre people will go to mediocre places, and they stick together forever to be mediocre. The average companies will be made up of only average workers.

Insane, fucking insane. And these people will continue fret upon their own mediocrity and poorness. They will keep complain that they are not smart like those who are successful, they are not rich and they don't have privilege like those who have etc.

They are not destined to be stupid and poor. They themselves made themselves poor and stupid. They chose it.
Mediocrity is not born. It's self inflicting.


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