How to be unhappy

Very effective tips on how to be unhappy:

  • Always worrying about making mistakes 
  • Afraid of rejections
  • Never talk to janitors
  • Always hoping that one day you will be lucky
  • Following thousands people or liking hundred pages on social media
  • Always envy
  • Always playing sport games with artificially certain and finite rules (E.g.: Football, basketball, badminton, ping pong etc.)
  • Afraid of criticising friends
  • Always saying "I have no choice"
  • Reading famous self-help books like "Think and Grow Rich" or "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
  • Pornography and "babes" on social media
  • Eating sugar all the time
  • Always texting instead of calling
  • Afraid of being stupid, afraid of unknown
  • Speculating stock markets
  • Having a "bucket list" 
  • Attending motivational seminars to get "motivation"
  • Comparing salary and bonuses
  • Always desiring to be special, afraid of being normal
  • Thinking atheism is better than religion
  • Believing that Social Science (Psychology, Economics etc.) is Science
  • Always hoping to increase willpower and confidence
  • Having 20 chat groups on WhatsApp
  • Always hoping for "Happiness"
  • Having "great destinations" in mind and always desiring to go there.
  • Only start walking after the final destination is visible (As opposed to always walking unless the anti-destination/non-destination is visible)

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