
The very first time I blog in English.

Look at the calendar, it's 25 March 2011. Can't believe though. As usual, time is passing silently. There's only 28 days left for my matriculation's life. And , the next week is the last week of P&P(Pengajaran & Pembelajaran) before study week starts. Still vividly remember the feeling when I was studying here 9 months ago : I want to leave here...I want to go back home..I want matric's life ends as fast as possible...

But, for now, the feeling is totally in contrast, I am worry about graduation, I don't want 20 April to come so fast...I don't want to stop all the things I have been doing all the year...entering kuliah...tutorial..play futsal, badminton with friends..outting with friends...bla bla bla...All the memories in here are keep flashing in my mental picture's gallery...

Honestly, I want to say that, I don't want to leave here...I like everything in here...the environment...and my lovely friends...

Suddenly feel that how good if I have a time machine...to go back to the past...and start again all that I have experienced...but I know that's impossible..the only thing I can do now is..


Exam season comes again,2 more weeks... saw everyone is working and fighting hard for their future...I am going to push myself to the ultimate status too...Good Luck to every matriculation student !=)

P/S : Recently found that there's interview session for those who apply law in local university...shock in hearing that...feeling unprepared and tension...there's only one month left for me to prepare for the interview...


  1. CHERISH the last moment~~~

    take a break interval while u studying.. relax la.. (sometimes) =)
    for the interview,, then u try to prepare for it!!!! jia you la~~

  2. Enjoy the last few weeks till the max! We always feel lost if we stop doing things that been doing for months. So plan it before happen ya! And good luck in ur interview! : )

  3. yeah...I will..thanks !you all jiayou too~all the best in everything=)

  4. Yeah...CHERISH for the last moment...
    I will cry on 20 April 2011...
    Lots of sweet memories here...

  5. 只有在面临伤心的时刻,才会更懂得珍惜曾经有过的美好回忆。

  6. indeed fei mao~ finally u have something right from your mouth! strongly agree with your statement!

  7. otong : lol...enjoy the las few wks..good luck in PSPM oso !
    chia hui : yup...agree ! 我们要珍惜眼前的一切=)


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