
Showing posts from June, 2011


Today , in a sudden , my team leader revealed my SPM results in front of everyone (I don't know how she get to know about that)..and then all my colleagues replied in shock expressions =.= Is that result really that good ? only for some people I think..there're lot of people who are better than me..for them that is just a bullshit >.< Then one of my colleague threw one question to me : You got such result..then why are you still here ? aren't you apply for any scholarship and go overseas for further study ? Why ? WHY ? Ya..I also don't know what will be the answer for the "Why".. In my memories during childhood..old folks always tell us that we need to study hard..then get scholarships..then go overseas to study.. That time I'm really naive...I thought what they said was right..and will come easily with hard effort But reality is always such cruel. It isn't. Same as many others, I've been dreaming to study in overseas. And it's still a dr...


这,是我六月的第二篇文章,很久没那么"低产量"了,最近实在太忙了吧~ 转眼间 (又是这个词,那么老土,但总是那么地贴切) 我的工作就快进入第三个月了 问我做的如何? 还不错吧(特别是薪水 ^^) 我需要钱!!! 这两个月以来,看到的真的很多 尤其是在火车上,每天都会看到不同的陌生人,看见人性的真善美,也看见人性的假丑恶 有些人,明明每天都会遇见,却偏偏不认识,就像最熟悉的陌生人 有些人,真的很没品,为了挤进火车,拼命在那边推,完全不顾安全 有些人,明明看见一个老人在站着,却还在那边按电话,不肯让位,那一刻,真的觉得他是全世界最丑陋的人 还深深记得有一次,有一位妈妈,带着两个小孩,为了让他们在人山人海中安全上火车,用身体挡着后面的人 最后她成功了,付了一个母亲的责任,过后还对着两个孩子微笑 那一刻,真的觉得她的笑容好美 美,绝对不是因为她用了什么化妆品,还是做了什么打扮 而是她的笑容充满了爱 那一刹那,我想起了我妈妈 其实,就算看过无数的美女,世界上最美丽的女人,还是自己的妈妈^^ 父亲节刚过,没什么特别庆祝,只是出去吃个饭 可是,有点不同的是,买单的是我~! 没错,出薪水了,感觉给钱的那一刹那好风光。。哈哈哈 爸,父亲节快乐 :) 今天, 无意中和一个同事谈到关于他的家庭 我问到关于他的父亲,他说他去世了 我一时反应不过来,竟给了一个最愚蠢的回答:真的啊? ........... 他的父亲在他幼儿园时期就在一场车祸中丧失了生命 难怪,他没在念书了,而是选择出来工作帮补家里 我还以为,这种情节只会在故事书或电视剧才会出现 原来,平时看他的性格那么外向,背后也有那么辛酸的经历 希望他能加油吧~ 这印证了这句话 每个人的背后,都有他自己的故事~ 最近读了一本书 非常欣赏封面上的一句 遗憾,是带着伤感面具的幸福,它比赤裸的幸福,更加教人回味,更加刻骨铭心 人生,看似复杂 其实,就是那么简单

Reunion :) & Parting :(

Two week had been passed after I came back from Alor Star. Finally I've time to blog about this. It's our trip ! A Bird Trip from Bird Gang. Start from Melaka , end in Alor Star. About the details of the trip , I'm not going to talk here , cause they will be staying in my heart, and my memories gallery forever =) Still vividly remember on 28 of May , I woke up early in the morning, about 5am. Took KTM alone from Bukit Badak to BTS. From that moment , we are reunited again. Started by meeting How , then Jason , Justin , Andrew, Ongpek , Chun Wei , Gxian , Peng and finally Tze Wei. I was really happy to see everyone again, and enjoy every moment in this trip . And feel like really amazing , with a total spending of rm440, and 9 days 8 nights, we've been travel for almost the whole West Malaysia , been 5 places , crossing 6 states. Everyone still the same. The bird-ness of bird gang never lost , we bang-ed a smart tag tiang in klang , like crazy people singing 'Red Dra...