
Today , in a sudden , my team leader revealed my SPM results in front of everyone (I don't know how she get to know about that)..and then all my colleagues replied in shock expressions =.=

Is that result really that good ? only for some people I think..there're lot of people who are better than me..for them that is just a bullshit >.<

Then one of my colleague threw one question to me :
You got such result..then why are you still here ? aren't you apply for any scholarship and go overseas for further study ?

Why ? WHY ?
Ya..I also don't know what will be the answer for the "Why"..

In my memories during childhood..old folks always tell us that we need to study hard..then get scholarships..then go overseas to study..
That time I'm really naive...I thought what they said was right..and will come easily with hard effort
But reality is always such cruel.
It isn't.
Same as many others, I've been dreaming to study in overseas.
And it's still a dream.

Recently , I've seen so many reports and texts that convinced me to reject the JPA PIDN again ~
Again, time to make a hard decision.
What should I do ?
If i reject , I've to pay back the rm2500 (Long Story)
Maybe I work so hard just to compensate JPA..funny ? =.=

Anyway , everything has to be kept in view
All depend on the UPU result..
When will it be announced ? Nobody knows. But mostly in July. Getting more impatient.
Will I get what I want ? What if I didn't get ?
I don't know.
But I really need it.
Keep my finger crossing =X


  1. Yeah,always received comments like above,though I think our result okok nia..I think maybe during their time, Full 'A' is almost like a dream,so don't blame them for being shocked by your result.
    And about JPA,well, since you've made the decision to accept it, then don't regret about it. Everything has its own pros and cons. Every cloud has its silver lightning^^
    By the way, Best of Luck and I wish you can get the course and university you desire!

  2. i dont really knw hw the scholarship thingy works so i better nt comment about it. in my opinion, the more u listen, the more difficult to decide. sometimes, u shall put everything aside and ask urself: what do YOU want? and hw can u acheive it? is there only one way to acheive it? (it's merely my opinion. u can ignore it if u dont agree) =)

  3. You should not be blamed for not getting any good scholarship from jpa.We just do not know what is the actual requirement for us succeed in the jpa scholarship!

  4. Anonymous : Thanks a lot ! maybe i tink most of my colleagues aren't good in study ba~About the JPA..there's still a chance to reject/accept it before Uni I still nid to think about it..And may I noe who are you ? :)

    XiAn : Ya..agree..good idea..others opinion always make us hesitate more..I noe wat I want..but there's lot of path in achieving it..I still thinking which path will be the best..anyway thanks ya !

    Chicken : haha..yea..jpa shud be blamed ! lol..the actual requirement is luck la ! that's faith la..I've surrender with it ><


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