Craps before Honeymoon Ends

Countdown 10 more days to the life in pursuing square hat.

Surprisingly, our prolonged holidays are coming to an end.
4 months plus 10 days, not too long, but definitely not short too.

What I did ? A quick review here.
Emo-ed after the graduation of matric, found a job of telephone and credit cards, a bird trip from melaka to alor star, famine 30, pulau ketam, bought a camera..etc..
and of course some Main and Must activities in my daily life..Dota, badminton..sing football at mamak..haha

And i will never forget the heart-rending day, 15th of July.
Hmm..indeed a nice holiday..i'm contented..but just there's still an imperfection
or I've to say, it's a failure.

The moment when holidays are ending, and school is opening, is always such special..the feeling never change, no matter during primary schooling time, or even till now.
Yes, going to study in our renown and oldest university in Malaysia, UM.
Gonna part with all my old friends again, gonna meet a bunch of new people, gonna adapt myself to the new environment again.
I don't really like to do so, I rather stick with my old close frens..but I know I've to.

Okay, 10 more days, what to do?
Normally most of the people will say : I will enjoy the rest of the days to the max !
Lol..I wish I can say so too..
Initially wanna go Parit Buntar..but cancelled (gonna screw them !
What I wish to do now, is just walk around with my camera, just point, and shoot ! hehe

10 more days, bye bye holidays !
Here I come UM !


  1. screw who? haha. am i one of them? Dont worry la, u still got many chances to PB ^^


  2. Upload some nice photos! Maybe some shooting style more different and unique than the others


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