Confidence (Publishing Old Drafts-2017)

Beliefs and confidence are ghosts. They don't come from words, they are purely emotional and irrational. They come from genuine beliefs.

Remember those days when you were beaten down, how the people who loved you kept telling you things like these:
You can do it!
Common believe in yourself!
Just be confident!

And most of the time deep down in my heart I ignored what they have said. Because I felt that those words are useless.
"It's easy for you to say, it's hard for me to do it."

When you genuinely and whole-heartedly do not believe in something, any words will never change it. 

One single moment that proves how good you are will change everything.
- The guy or the girl whom you like showed interests on you
- That one important sport match that you beat a strong opponent 
- That moment seeing your fats going away and abs growing out

And you can only really feel the real confidence and beliefs after you have done it. Imagining them in your mind don't count. In fact, the more you imagine the end outcome, the more mental power you are channeling towards the outcome, then the more you obsess about it, the less confident you are.

So it creates one of the biggest and the most absurd catch-22 in our lives:
You need to first put in the work and then achieve it, then only you are willing to believe.
But you need to first believing it in the very first place, then only you will put in the work and achieve it.


Genuinely believing that you can do it (the procress, the actions), not you can achieve it (the outcome the result later become how)
It is still very uncomfortable but u have to do it
Remove easy stuff and fun stuff


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