The Importance of Suit

The scene below in the Spiderman movie has replayed in my minds for many times.

The Ironman gave the Spiderman an advanced Spiderman suit with technology. Spiderman wore it and did some stupid things almost killing many civilians. Ironman now wanted to confiscate Spiderman's suit.

Having tried the amazing technologically advanced suit, Spiderman was of course furious about the confiscation. His nerve cracked and he reacted to Ironman:
"No! Please don't. I am nothing without this suit."

Ironman responded:
"If you are nothing without the suit, then you probably shouldn't have it at all in the first place."

The scene really made me wonder:
People who possess strong ability will attempt to do amazing things
(Spiderman gets the suit then become stronger)


People who attempt to do amazing things will get the strong ability?
(Spiderman works hard on becoming stronger then he gets the suit)

What does that mean?
- Many potential athletes say that they are not successful because they did not have good coaches and good training systems. If they have one, they would.
- Many wantrepreneurs say that they can't be entrepreneurs because they did not have capital/network/mentor. If they have one, they would.
- Many lonely people say that they can't get a good relationships because they did not have good physical outlook or charming traits. If they have one, they would.
- Many people say that they are not ABC because they did not have XYZ. If they have one, they would.

Lebron James has stayed in Cleveland for many years before moving to Miami. And almost every 1st pick overall in NBA has to play for the weakest team at first. Of course, not all of them shine, but some did.


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Regards to Datuk :)