
Showing posts from 2012


1.56pm at Law Library. Such a dead and sombre atmosphere. Don't know where comes the emotional feelings and deep thought. Decide to throw the books, and visit here :) Everyone has a big big dream in his or her deep side of heart. We all want to achieve something. Something that makes us feel happy. Something that defines our life. Most of the time it ends up with unhappy endings. The world forces us to shake our head. Fearful, shameful, awkward. I don't want to be another victim of reality. Dreams, will not be dreams. One day.

If I am a Butterfly.

An expired blog. I left here for months. Thousands in wishlist, millions in to-do-list. If I am a butterfly, I am definitely a pupa now. Hibernating to gear up, Or actually running away from reality? Hearing, listening. I am going out from here soon. As long as you have dreams in your heart. Adult butterfly, when is your turn?


UPU is out again! But this time juniors are the main characters. It always sounds exciting for those who got what they want, and heart-breaking for vice versa. Few of them got UM law. Especially a girl who studied science in matrics. So happy for her. Thank god. She made it, luckily not following what I've experienced last year. I won't say it's a totally bad experience, but it was definitely not easy. It reminded me. 1 year passed. So quick. We've grown up, grown further, grown older. Still vividly remember the remorse feeling that time. And the cannot-be-described moment when I succeeded at the end. Went Malaysian Student Leaders Summit (MSLS) today. A lot of renown and respectful speakers came today. Received some inputs, but it wasn't that useful. Sessions were little bit dry and monotonous. Anticipating the hard-talk of Nazri tomorrow. I think it will be an interesting one. Meeting lots and lots of people nowadays. Especially after I stepped into uni life....

What Happened in the Seventh Month

Back to home. Slept for 15 hours. Tiring is not a good enough adjective to describe my condition. Euro 2012 marked an end. Three lions, as usual, disappointed us again. But Steven Gerrard never makes us sad. He still demonstrates what he is, always. Azzuri, very near, one more step, only. Pirlo, master, Picasso on the green field. Survived a 10days mentality-fighting war. World War III. Planning, socialising and critical thinking marathon. Despite million of inputs, I felt lost. And I am really lost. What to do, I don't know. I really don't know. I need to find the 'why'. I lost my Why. After long hide and seek, finally I dare to face my results. Great one, I leaped quite far away, from mud soil to green grasses. I wanna shout : YES !!! A little bit unexpected, but thankful and delighted. I will achieve more.

Someone that is missing for a long time.

While I was brain-smoking with my contracts acts, a thought suddenly came to my mind. I went back to read my old blog posts. I was really impressed. Read through what I've posted last year, especially around July until September. I was such an innocent boy, who just wanted to study law, so simply and faithfully. I almost forgot that I had such a huge determination before. I miss who I was that time, a never-give-up me. People tend to lose focus when things aren't going on well. That's why we need some energiser. Recall, reflect, revise. I will be back. I am still, me.

Horror Season

Step in month of June, the last month for the first half of 2012. Write less and less here. I wish I could have written at least once per month. But sorry. I have so many feelings and ideas to share here, but I don't have the time to construct. I still care my blog, my virtual home,  a lot. Always enjoy writing here with the accompany of instrumental musics, especially from the legend Yiruma. So, what's the topic today? I have damn lot experiences and stories that happened in past few months to share here, but let's skip further now. Huhu, the biggest yet thrilling enemies, FINAL EXAMS ! =_= After the shitty first semester with damn freaking rubbish results. Now I have a huge burden on my shoulder : I must do at least better for this sem. But the truth is, not easy. Seriously, hard. Seems like I lost the ability to score in exams, lost the ability to concentrate on dull theories on books. I don't know why. Perhaps I've changed. Not a bookworm anymore. Su...

Little Changes, Big Differences

Month of April. It's almost the end of another chapter of KMM. Saw all the juniors had fun and great memories all over the year again. Watched the flashback video, which always becomes great reflection of everyone, and generates tears. It's really glad to see they united together, and even did better than what we did before. Especially Pesta 1 Malaysia. They accomplished what we couldn't realise last year. I am really happy and proud of them. But the feeling is coming back again. Guilty and regretful. I personally always feel very disappointed on our batch. We weren't united enough, in truth a lot of us aren't friends at all even until the last day. Why? I don't really know the real causes. I believe that a great event can bring everyone together, and all of us will share mutual memories after that. Yes. We had A Day to Remember. But it wasn't enough. I am really regret. Why I didn't foresee the importance of it. Why I can't just be more deter...

V.I.P. in My Life :)

1/4/2012. Question : What's so special? Laymen Answer : Happy April Fool ! My Answer : Happy Anniversary ! Anniversary ? Am I married? Nono. Let's start grandmother's story. Long long ago, there was a few stupid guys, staying near to each other, beside, upstairs and downstairs, or another building. When they first meet each other, they didn't expect everyone will be so important for each other then. Even some don't have good impressions on some. But things happen in uncontrolled manners. Due to the similarities of possessing stupid minds, they start to do stupid things together. They always have happy and crazy moment, with syok-sendiri spirit of course. However, as time passed, they get a little bit bored. Nature of human, they are lacking of feminine subjects. Fortunately, they met a group of dumb girls finally, who are willing to join them despite their stupidness. Therefore, a group called Bird & Swan Gang was established, ri...

Sneak Peak !

Finally I am here. Back to my little corner. After I left it for 2 months. My Blog : Why you no come here? Haha. End of the first half of Semester 2. Gosh, time can you don't be so fast and hasty k? Life are hard and challenging as usual. Failures always bump to you even though you tried very hard to avoid them. As usual, my life can only be defined with one word, Busy. A lot of doubts and questions surround me again. What to do? I just want to have a best life in here. =) End of the interview of Vice President. AIESEC, a subject that I value the most now, even more than studies. Did badly in the interview. Why? No excuses. Miracle may happen (Please !) If not, Director loh... >.< What's next? Holidays ! Yahoo..but just 7 days. It ends in a blink of eyes. Arghh...feel like want to alot alot alot of things but don't have alot alot alot of time. Battery low. 7 Days will a great period for recharging. Still far to go. Very far. Run faster, run more.


好久没来打理这个小天地了。 又是华人子弟一年一度欢庆的日子,新年快乐!希望龙年将是顺顺利利的好年! :) 象牙塔第一学期正式结束,只能叹光阴时箭。 时间过得特别快,可能因为整个学期都沉浸在吃力不讨好的活动吧 整个学期过得中规中矩,发现很多卧虎藏龙,自己仍需多加努力 美女看到很多,但却还没发现有潜质成为‘沈佳宜’的,仍需耐心等待。 学业,只能用惨不忍睹来形容。 从未试过那么的糟,自以为从小就是读书的料,自视过高 再多几天就会决定生死,真的很害怕 希望,不是死刑。 第一个星期的假期,就这样在吃喝玩乐,家人亲戚朋友与扑克牌之间度过 还有两周,要好好准备自己,为第二学期冲刺。 丘品焕,冲啊!!! P.S. :有些东西,有些感觉,变了,就是变了,再怎么找,再怎么勉强,都找不回来。

Now only I know.

6/1/2012 8.30am-10.15am Legal Method LXEB1101, Ended. Three months ago, I entered Faculty of Law, University Malaya, accidentally. I remembered the first day, when I first breathed the air of legal studies. At the end of that day, I told my myself, I will work very hard from now onward, because I realized the thorough difference between others and me. Three months passed, I breached my own promise. I almost did nothing. Didn't prepare tutorials, at worse skipped classes Pretended in classes, to ask some question, as tricks to get participation marks Lecturer reached the final destination, but I was still at the starting point. Too much of commitments on activities, societies, clubs, events? Yes, it may be the excuses, even the true reasoning behind. My own fault? "Who call you go and join so many things?" I thought, I can cope. I thought, I was still in secondary school, still taking SPM. I thought, aptitude and intelligence, can replace perseverance and efforts well. I t...

当 1 变成 2 的时候

2011年,在说再见前,来个精彩回顾吧。 4月份,终于,我的大学预备班结束了。 一年,十二个月。 依然清楚记得,最后一天,我抱着宏年哭的那一秒,那一刻。 有时真的不敢相信,短短的一年,却可以建立起好像有一世纪久的感情。 很多时候,我真的不敢想起你们,不敢想起以前的那段日子,因为那样会提醒我自己,现在过得比以前差很多。 我好想呐喊:我真的很想回到以前那一段简单疯狂的日子! 假期,被解放的四个月。 糊里糊涂,歪打正着,我成了全世界人都很讨厌的。。。 信用卡销售员! 全新的体验,前所未有的学习过程。 才发现,每个职业背后不为人知的一面 想念那群每天跟我一起朝九晚五拼到不停的战友 真的觉得自己很幸运,无论去到什么地方,都能遇到‘对key'的人 :) 7月,人生的大难关。 想要穿律师袍,却丢给我计算机。 那段时期的低潮,煎熬,沮丧,是无法抹去的记忆。 感谢,感恩,我身边,有的不是嘲笑与唾弃,而是满满的支持与祝福 到最后,我成功熬过了,谢谢你们 :) 最后的三个月,正式进驻象牙塔。 马来亚大学,学子的梦想舞台 开始,一步一脚印,创造属于自己的印记,足迹。 虽然,绊脚石不断出现,试图阻挡胸怀大志的步伐 但,坚定的意志,伟大的理想,不曾动摇。 成功,我终究会追到你的。 无时无刻,都发现身边有太多太多的好人了 人间,还是有温情的 希望上天继续眷顾我身边的所有人,让世界更加美好! 正式告别年少轻狂的岁月 当1 变成 2 的时候,我们又会有什么蜕变? 新的一年,让我们一飞冲天吧!