
Showing posts from 2015

Danger, very dangerous.

Am I the only one feeling so so worried about the country? How many people are there are still just thinking about winning their own bread? Disasters slowly creep in. Political scandals, 1MDB, leadership vacuum, political parties' internal conflicts, DSAI is still in the jail. Free falling economy. Ringgit that is hitting new low daily, pressure of GST, inflation and increasing living cost. Social tensions. Racial and religious issues continue to be the most effective political weapons, and most importantly people buy it and are emotionally driven by it! Low quality and non-transparent education system contributed to a huge stock of mediocre graduates. No skills, no international mindset, no leaderships. This is the reality of human capital and talent capacity in the country. No more elaboration needed for some permanent problems such as crimes. How about media freedom? Human rights? Transportation? Environmental problems? Pollution? If those are too much, then we can com...

Academic Objectives Swayed

Regardless of whether our professors are pro-government, pro-opposition, or independent, how many of them actually set out to reform the people around them? To help those in need? When academicians write about poverty, urban transportation, liberty, Maqasid Shariah, the theory of economic growth, or political issues, do they want to make a change or is it just another research paper to be published? “The gap between the policy designers and implementers strike at the reality of practice” “P hilosophy should be taught at every faculty!” “Are we producing good men or good workers?” Tracing it from past to present trajectory, he argued that in the new reality, universities are not driven by scholars anymore. Rather, corporate demands assume the quintessential focus of the university today. We talk about employability of the graduates, what the industries want, and what the economy needs. It used to be that university is not driven by market, but by the pursue of kn...

The Unthoughtful Passion

At the very last it comes to an end, after two years. But too bad it's an end full of possibilities, just like some hanging movie endings which pissed the impatient audience very much. At least he said I am not that useless. Consolation or truth? It's strikingly similar with the situation four years ago. The remaining one thing in the to-do-list is to wait. That's not something very pleasant. I wasn't so afraid, in fact I was so brave to tell everyone that it was okay. Is it because the replacement wasn't so nasty or my world was so small? But I think it's simply because I was so so so strong. Actually nothing changes. Just my own perception changed. Why can't you repeat the exactly same-you? The similar hope, the similar courage, the similar faith. I should not forget that everything is good. Nothing is bad. Yes I gained so much but I become so cautious. I lost the unthoughtful passion. What for to have the sophisticated cowardice? Patheti...

That grey complication

Would you surrender with head held high or would you annoyingly beg for that little glory? I don't know what should be the choice but I let my gut to take over. It chose the former. A reckless move without any careful thoughts? Arguably yes. Controversially no. I really don't know. Perhaps my gut knows that I would value dignity in spite of the risks in failing. But dignity is just a nice way of putting for the word 'ego'. Ego did kill a lot of success. I think I missed out the consideration on target audience. His personality. Ignorant move.


我們都在追趕著晚年時的安逸, 代價,是放棄現在的安逸。 究竟是在生活,還是在搞笑。 放下心中那種對生活的過份的壓迫感。

My personal wonders

Number one. So many Malaysians are so ignorant and culturally not sensitive. Living in this country for decades yet do not know how to call Chinese names appropriately? Worse is they don't even try, they opt for the easier one, they only call the Malay names and the so-called 'Christian' name (It's just an English name anyway). Number two. Every single task every single piece of work every single system has its own rules of game. And all of them can be hacked. There is always one way to hack it and win it. At the end, be smart and aim for the tactical victory first, but remember at the same time maintain you own purposes and values. They are equally important. Cant rank one over another. Number three. No matter how well the current world and the 21st century has developed on the concept of free speech, democracy, human rights and etc, there won't be any absolute democracy. No flat hierarchy, no complete equality.  The prey will forever be...

Self Interview

Why would people hate you? People hate me for not giving enough time to spend with them. What kind of people you hate? People who don't work hard or go extra miles for what they want to pursue. People who don't strive for excellence. What is/are the thing(s) that you afraid the most? I afraid people around me don't understand what I am doing and why I am doing what I am doing. What you hope for the most? I hope for empathy. I hope for understanding.


      How are you? How was your last two months of university life? How was your trip to Cambodia? It must be really really tough, but I know you went through it beautifully.       You have become a much happier person, enjoying and living at your current moment of life. You are now no longer craving for success and achievements, you are now no longer looking for results as a proof of your worthiness, you no longer feel unsatisfied and regret on your past experiences.       You are able to do things slowly, step by step. You focus, indulge and enjoy every process in every single thing that you do. You love the present, you love now until you have forgotten the future. You are appreciating yourself, you are able to appreciate happiness, you appreciate life.       You recalled your original self, the you who cared a lot about people around you, who cared a lot about the society, the environment. Now you are a little wiser, ...


我觉得有两种感觉特别棒。 一,当你一无是处时,身边的人却给予不认同,认为你好的地方多得很。 二,当你铆足全力地把看似即将失败的困难转化成成果的那一刹那。 两者,都必须经历困难,艰苦,披荆斩棘。 不经一番寒彻骨,哪来梅花扑鼻香。


"Have you fully accepted your past failure?" "When was the last time that you felt truly happy?' "Ask yourself, you have no achievement at all?" "Failures or Challenges, which one you afraid?" "Experience or result, which one?" "Are there anyone who blamed you?" "How do you feel if people are telling you that you did well?" "Can you move on?" "What practical steps did you take?" "Do you agree with me that letting go of your failure is a choice?" "Can you accept to restart again by taking baby steps?" "One conclusion, your ego damn high, you kiasu." "You are timid, you don't take practical steps to change" "You care about your people, your feel your responsibility, then own it lah please. Own your promise, make your promise happened. If you don't, then blame yourself, that simple." "I strongly doubt on your decision maki...


I really don't wish to become a nato person. really no. Sorry.