
Showing posts from January, 2016


归零。 当你重新发现自己想要的时候,你只想奋不顾身地冲向它。 你突然感觉到:诶,我能够呼吸了耶! 负能量让你看清你的模样,正能量让你看到希望。 一个人的欢喜跟悲伤,它是要一比一的。 如果那个比例出现误差的话,你就是生病了。 两者需要平衡。给自己希望是对的,但千万不要硬挤开负能量。 没关系的啦!做原本的自己就好。

Wake Up!

2016's Resolution: - Forgive the past - Appreciate myself that "I am great" - Accept my weaknesses for who I am   - Celebrate little success no matter how small it is - Take failure as it is - Recall and restore passion to do greater good to the world - When problems come, think like a 8-year-old kid - Become who I used to be, with passion to do what I want to do, with passion to do good to the world, with love and care towards others

6 Elements of Success

What makes up success? First, a goal. A clear and ambitious goal. Self-explanatory. Second, powerful passion and determination.  What makes up passion? Something that you love to do. Something that you will be extremely and extraordinarily happy to do. But what kinds of things give you those feelings? a) Money. Doing that something will bring you money. Because it is the fundamental survival needs under Maslow. b) Learning. Doing that something brings you huge learning, it can be a larger happiness than money. c) Impact. Doing that something means you are bringing impact, contributing towards something bigger than yourself, changing something. And the magnitude of these three elements must be larger or at least equivalent to your capability or the amount of effort that you are putting it. Or else the non-equivalence will only cause sorrow and disappointment. However, at the end of the day it's your choice. You can 'create' passion and even 'magnify' pa...

The Journey | Part V: Ending, and Beginning

And here comes to the end of this confusing, long-winded, negative, dramatic story full of ups and downs. He fell into his lowest point in life after a series of failure. He suffered serious anxiety and he self-blamed everyday. He realised his problem and started letting go of his past. He recalled his determination and passion. He thought he had recovered fully until he encountered another huge challenging test which pushed him to his edge. He breakthrough one last final bottleneck, which is to appreciate himself as someone great, and start doing things step by step slowly. He had finally finally recovered.  Someone said success comes from the formula below: Goal  (Clear & ambitious)  +  Determination/Passion  (Powerful)  +  Hope/Belief  (Positive & Strong)  +  Backup Plan/Alternative (Safe)  He might not have a very clear goal now as there are too many uncertainties, too many crossroads, to...

The Journey | Part IV: Stand Up

He didn't handle all those huge commitments and promises well. He sought for some external help, he read some articles and books, but still they weren't sorted out. He ran to Cambodia once again. The role wasn't very challenging if he was who he was in the past. But this time he went there with great pressures and all those backlogged he didn't finish/achieve (But he supposed to). Although his dad told him that worries are the biggest enemy for human being, he still can't absorb it well, because his subconscious mind wasn't changed. The smallest obstacle he faced in Cambodia (Eg: Cant mingle well with extroverts, can't connect well with the team, can't come out ideas in choreographing dances) gave him great pressure and made him felt that he is useless again. Luckily there were still some really kind people who gave him some love and care. He gained inspirations there. The most powerful one would be from his chairperson, whom told him that: "I ...

The Journey | Part III: Final Test

While he was in Yangon, he received a message and a call. An opportunity came and he was invited to be back to AIESEC again. He was extremely excited for a big challenge again, but at the same time he fell into the mindset of "200-300% effort" again. As usual, when he had something on his to-do list, that thing will automatically branched out into 200-300 things, because his thoughts would ask him to put 200-300% effort to achieve a 200-300% results, anything less than that weren't tolerable at all. He not only became a perfectionist, but he became so afraid of failures. He  had totally forgotten the 20-80 principle. The only thing in his mind was to do more and more and more then only he can achieve more and more and more. He started those stressful and pressuring thoughts again when he was in his last stop at Laos, thinking and fearing on all the 200-300% things that he has to do in his mind. So he accepted the invitation, and at the same time he got the momentum a...

The Journey | Part II: New Hope

A support meeting group saved him. They noticed that he was so abnormal and seemed like having deep troubles. They bombarded him a lot of questions. "Have you let go of your past failures?" "When was the last time you truly felt happy?" He realised he had never let go of his past. He grudged them so hard. His limbs and arms were all tied tightly with the past, that's why he hardly make a move. Even just one step forward was extremely difficult for him. He wanted to achieve, not because that he wanted it, but because of his past failures. He wanted to compensate, he wanted to redeem. He never wanted to strive for the future, the only motivation for him is to strive for the past. He never accepted his past failures and say "Yes they are failures and they are part of who I am today. So let's start the fresh chapter today.". The meeting struck him hard. He realised the root cause now finally. But he only knew the root cause, not the strategies or ...

The Journey | Part I: Darkness

There was this boy. He failed his academic thesis, with a grade F, simply because he didn't submit anything. He failed to lead a huge group of people in getting results that they wanted. They ran blindly to nowhere with blurred directions. Also, he was terrible in fulfilling his commitments with his friends and family. But the worst thing was, he always bore things on his shoulders and unintentionally magnified many small mistakes as his faults. The feeling was so sucky. The feeling of failing was so horrible, so scary, so overwhelming. He told himself, he cannot fail anymore. He wanted success, he wanted to prove to the whole world how great he is. He became very obsessive and he craved for success crazily. He set very high goals. He wanted to get dean list results in the last 2 semesters. He kept telling himself he must go back and hold a bigger role, take a bigger responsibility, lead a bigger team to achieve a bigger goal. He started drafting all silly personal timetable a...