The Journey | Part V: Ending, and Beginning

And here comes to the end of this confusing, long-winded, negative, dramatic story full of ups and downs. He fell into his lowest point in life after a series of failure. He suffered serious anxiety and he self-blamed everyday. He realised his problem and started letting go of his past. He recalled his determination and passion. He thought he had recovered fully until he encountered another huge challenging test which pushed him to his edge. He breakthrough one last final bottleneck, which is to appreciate himself as someone great, and start doing things step by step slowly. He had finally finally recovered. 

Someone said success comes from the formula below:

(Clear & ambitious) 
(Positive & Strong) 
Backup Plan/Alternative

He might not have a very clear goal now as there are too many uncertainties, too many crossroads, too many choices and options. But all of these required very strong passion, determination and courage to go through it. And he has it now, in fact he has them all the time, just he submerged them sometimes, and now he found them back, bigger and stronger. In addition, he has hope and belief, something that he has not had at all in the past one and a half year. He knows that he doesn't need to aim for very big thing that will scare him off and bring him great pressure. He just need to move step by step, one by one, slowly, patiently. He appreciates who he is now. He knows he has a lot of great parts, he has great strengths that will bring him far, he has great values that will make him shine. Even he still have a lot of weaknesses and lousy parts, he acknowledges them, he accepts them, he knows they are part of who he is, he can slowly improve them one by one. Any failures, weaknesses, lousiness don't define him, they co-exist with his strengths and values. They are merely parallel with each other, with little or no intersection. 

And lastly, because of his strong powerful past experience, he built strong values and belief system, no matter what challenges are ahead of him in the future, he will fight and overcome them. Because he believes he can. And the only reason that he believes he can, is because he chooses to believe it.  


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