C'est La Vie

It’s month of May, it’s the season of scholarship announcement again. Suddenly I recalled back this season during last year, the time when sitting at home, waiting for scholarships, keep thinking how can I use the minimum amount of money to study the best thing ? awaiting + nervousness + expectance…at the end, I get matriculation, thank god .

Again, I am active in the educational forum , Recom. That’s a really good and informative website, for students in every stage to get information and knowledge about studies.

Results of Matriculation and JPA this year are announced. I saw the thread ‘ Matriculation Application Results’ again in Recom. I read through it, found that there’s a lot of students are confusing, many of them keep asking : Should I choose form 6 or matric ? Even some of them said that, they’ve decided to go for private or stpm, not going for matric. What the hell ??? I was bit angry when reading this, and feeling disappointed. If they choose to go for a better scholarship , like JPA, fine, I’ve nothing to comment bout it. But, they choose to go for private or stpm which are worse than matric !!!! Then, I’m wondering, why do they apply matriculation initially ? just to waste the slot , causing some of them who really want it failing in getting it ?

Maybe I’m bit biased, supporting matriculation. And yes, every road will lead you to Rome. However, what I want to convey is, matriculation is not that worse than you guys thinking. Lot of bad rumors are spoiling the image of matriculation, i.e. matric’s hotel is like a jail, malay food causing you to be in diarrhea , have to stay in matric for whole year(cant go out)…bla bla bla..Those are not true. Matriculation will really be one of the best choice at the end, if you do enjoy and appreciate the life in it.

About JPA, the scheme changed this year. 8A+ holders will be guaranteed JPA !!! Haiz…I was born one year earlier..Again, saw many of them are able to achieve their overseas study dreams, UK Law, German Engineering, UK pharmacy…bla bla bla etc…but there are some really unlucky people too..with 9A+ but ending up with JPA PIDN Matric =.=…

C'est La Vie. That's life. Some people are really bad luck in getting scholarships, like apply what fail what. I was one of it. When I get my SPM result last year, I thought it was good, I thought for sure I will get something. I overestimate it.

Every Cloud has it’s silver lining. At least I had a very happy and sweet moment for one year in matriculation. =)

PSPM 2 Results gonna come out tomorrow. Pray for everyone !

P.S : Start to enjoy my job, making phone calls was fun and different from what I’ve expected ! hahaha~


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