A Happy Judgement Day

Today is 18 April 2011, the judgement day of all matricians~

According to the tradition, the results will be announced around 9am or 10am something. Different from the past, we can't see the amazing scene anymore, when almost the students of whole college gather in front of the notice board, fighting each other to get to see their own results..LoL~

This time, we can check the result through 3 channels !
~Phone Calls~

However, I was working at that moment. Busy calling people to sign credit cards.
Although I know I have enough confidence on my own result, but same as others, I was nervous too.And I didn't do well in my Physics. But I can't check at that time.
During lunch time, use my old fashion handphone log on to the digi zero facebook, saw alot of my friends were posting status regarding the results , causing me to be more anxious >.<

Finally. I can check it when I was home late at night. I think I am the last few matricians who check the result.
Luckily, I can smile after I pressed 'Semak Keputusan' , after key in the user ID
Yesh !!! I am getting 4 flat again ~ Yeah ~
However, different from Sem I, I get B for my English this time !!!
Argh, although it's not important, not being counted in pointer, but the B over there is so annoying !!!
Can't achieve my target to get 16A's in matric's life (include 2 UPS)..Lol
But nevermind la...

To those who get good results, Congratulations.
To those who are on the opposite side, don't be frustrated, it's not the end of the world, cheer and fight hard for the future.

Academic Achievement Unlocked !
Wait for another judgement day to come upon during july ~~~

P.S : Did a quite great job in the debut of my work today..so happy ^^


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