UKM-Law Interview

Yes. Finally I’ve time to blog about this. After a week.

Another important interview, after the interviews of JPA and Petronas at last year.

An interview to UKM for enrollment into Bachelor of Law(LLB).Unlike the two interviews I went last time, I had done a lot of preparation and 'homework' before I go for the battle ! Because I know, this interview is important enough to determine my future, although it's just my second choice. But I really hope to get to study law.

Depart early in the morning, but still almost late to there (due to critical traffic jam =S)..luckily it's 'almost' only~It is a campus located in Bangi, about 40 mins from my home.

Faculty of Law - UKM

My Name Tag..Lucky Number 39?=S

After I had finished a simple registration procedure, we were called upon to enter a waiting room. When I just stepped into the room, a weird feeling came upon me, I felt stress and unwell...I saw lot of my competitors, all with face of confidence and intelligence. But I know, I can't be feeling inferior, instead, I have to believe myself too. In order to relief myself, I started to mingle around, getting to know some of them. Found that most of the interviewees were leavers of STPM.

And not forget to mention something interesting, I met someone which is from KMM too, WeiChin. And she is from klang too, AND ! She was just behind me, numbered as 40th candidate...I wonder why everything happened so coincidently...An Indian girl impressed me, don't really remember her name, but vividly remember that her first word upon me after self-introducing was a question about results pointer and band of MUET ~.~…and met some malays which were from Law Asasi (Life is unfair arghhhh >.<)

After 15 minutes, we were called upon to enter another room again. I thought it was just a transfer of waiting room. However, I was shocked when I saw the officer was distributing papers @@...There was a writting test !!! Hmm...never expect this...It was just a simple topic : Where do you see urself in 10 years from now? giving us 15 minute to write a short essay. Yes, then I was starting to boast myself, like be a lawyer bla bla bla..enter Malaysian Bar bla bla bla etc ^^

Next, we were called upon for the interview, the true battle. And we were informed that it's a group interview, with 5 persons in a group being interviewed by the interviewers which is similar to JPA's. Honestly, I felt disappointed. I thought it will be an one-on-one interview, which allow me to perform myself and impress the interviewers more. Haiz >.<...but I think they are carrying group interview but not personal to save time as there's lot of applicants.

And hereby the interview started ! My group, consist of 3 chinese , 1 malay and 1 indian, and I'm the only masculine 'subject'>.< Meanwhile, there were 3 interviewers, all malay women.

First and foremost, we were required to introduce ourselves, but it was just a very very simple self introduction, even not touching about details like family background and co-curricular activities.

That was only the appetizers...the real challenges here came ! They started to ask questions about law..First question was a case study, given a husband who like to abuse child and a wife who has no job have divorced, then the child should be given to ??? Hmm....obviously, the answer is wife. 5 of us gave the same answer, just a little bit different in everyone elaborations and explanations.

Of course, the interview was not that easy. The next question screwed me up, they asked : Should Undang-undang hudud being applied in Malaysia ??? Yes, I was stunned. What the hell is the ‘ undang-undang hudud’ ? Gosh !! It’s about Islamic Law, no idea about it >.<

Luckily, 4 out of 5 interviewers also don’t really know what’s that. Then one of the girl immediately asked back the interviewers regarding the meaning of that law. Haha, then they explained it ! It’s a criminal law, stated something repay for something equivalent. For example, the hand of a snatch thief will be cut off. And then, again, all of us gave the answer as NO. It’s too cruel !!! I gave the reason that is, if a Muslim commits in crimes , then they will be judged under that law, but how if a non-muslim commits in crime, then they will be judged under the common law, unfair right ? Law should be a system treating everybody the same. Is it a good answer ? Hmm…

Lastly, the most tricky question , they asked : If you are offered UM, then you confirm going there, but not UKM ? swt….of course la !!!! If not why I put UM 1st while your UKM 2nd ? I answered it honestly, but still emphasised that course is still more important than university =)

The End of Interview !!! It lasted about 20 minutes, shorter than what I’ve expected. A Chinese girl, like trying to dominate the whole session, keep speaking, like not giving any chance to other to speak. Hate such person, why does she do so ? Can’t you give other chance to speak ? You can convey your message after that. Haiz…

In conclusion , I did well ??? Hmm..ok laa…….If I have to set a rating, 6 or 7 out of 10 lo…Haiz, not really usual, a little bit stuck in speaking..nervousness I hoping to get UKM? UM is still better.

God Bless !!! ^^


  1. masculine 'subject'.. LOL...
    wish u can get the course & the uni u wan~ =D

  2. thanks gals, good luck to you all too ! =)

  3. hey there, can i know did you get the offer to enter UKM at the end?

  4. Hi Sandra, nope I am in UM Law at the end. May I know who are you ? =)

  5. Gud luck girl..I am in ukm law faculty, going to be final year,,Nice story..

    1. Can I ask about the information of law interview at ukm?

  6. are u kar may? =.=

  7. Hi, you're in UM now right? What about the interview to get into UM? There was a written test too right?

  8. Hi allen!may i ask when u got the um offer letter after the interview ?

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  12. Dear all, sorry for not replying any queries about law study as I rarely visit this space anymore after I entered university.

    It's September 2017 now. 6 years passed since I have written this post. I ended up taking Bachelor of Laws in University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, and I have graduated there in year 2015. Looking at the writing above, aside from the childish kiddo writing above which I can't stop laughing at myself, this post reminisces my great old days.

    I believe there are still some of you who would be googling 'UKM Law Interview' and stumbling upon this post. Hence, if you have any queries kindly approach me through the email below:

    I promise I will answer you there. Thank you :)

  13. Dear all,

    It's May 2018 and I am still receiving emails asking me to give advice about something that I have done in year 2011. I appreciate the proactive effort but let me tell you the truth:

    I don't have much advice for most of you for two simple reasons:

    1) [ You are who you are and last minute preparations won't change anything substantially ]
    - If you speak moderately well in normal daily life, it will be natural for you to speak and answer during the interview.
    - If you are pretty fluent in English or Bahasa Malaysia, you just talk like how you talk in everyday life during the interview.
    - If you are highly knowledgeable and up-to-date to political and legal news from time to time, you will be able to offer 2-cents to any questions that the interviewers happen to ask.

    - If you think you can't really speak well and you are pretty shy and low-confidence-type, any of my words will not change you.
    - If you have fairly poor language command, reading some grammar books will not change you. It takes years to polish your language commands. You must speak and write in gargantuan amounts before you become fluent in a language.
    - If you are quite ignorant about what is happening in society, last minute reading will hardly equip you knowledge well. Just like last minute reading can only improve your test results marginally.

    2) [ Interview performance is something marginal ]
    If you already own good academic results in Pre-U and SPM and also high marks in terms of co-curricular activities, a relatively normal or even poor performance during interview don't matter. You will still be selected.

    In contrast, if your academic results and co-curricular activities marks are low, a tremendously brilliant interview performance would not save you much. You might still be discarded.

    The academic results and co-curricular activities are long term effort in shaping yourself into university. They are Essential cores. Interview is a short-term instant thing, you can't hack it too much.

    The lesson here is to work on something concrete for long-term.
    - If your language is poor, spend 1-2 years immersing yourself into an English speaking environment (Toastmaster club, work for a English magazine company for internship or even just volunteer, or go to English-speaking countries like Europes or US for trips and engage the locals there)
    - If your understanding on politics and laws are shallow, go join some local political activities. Go to a local political party office, ask them what you can do for them. Do free work, observe the people there, how they behave, what they do everyday. You will be able to grasp alot much more than you reading textbooks about politics and laws.
    - If your academic results are poor, spend time work on improving 1 of your poorest subject first. ONE, I repeat, ONE subject only. Don't worry about others. Work on the smallest possible thing first. Find a really good teacher ask him/her to teach you 1-on-1 after the standard class hours. After months you will see real improvements.

    If you are good, tips for interview are useless, you will succeed regardless of what.
    If you are bad, short term tips for interview won't save you from disaster. You will fail regardless of what.

    So focus on being Good. If you work hard on becoming Good, even if you don't get accepted to study for law degree, you will succeed elsewhere. You will shine even if you are in engineering, science, business and etc.

    I know just in Sept 2017 I commented above saying that all of you can email me about queries on law interviews and I will answer there. But as I gain more experience in working world I realise "tips for interviews" are bullshits. So I changed my mind. Unless your questions are really specific and specially need my attention which I can help, I won't be reply queries anymore. You will be fine I rest assure you. Just keep going forward in life. Thank you.

    Piin Huann


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