A Huge Obstacle

Joined UM English Debate Club (Accidentally ?!)

Yesterday was the first meeting.
Guess what, there are around 10+ juniors..almost everyone of them are english-educated. And many law students !
Yes, everyone was speaking..bla bla bla..u can't heard of a single chinese or malay word.
GG..I found that it isn't easy to survive in such atmosphere.
I have been living in chinese community for 19 years !

I'll be facing such condition for the following weeks and months
Sense of inferior !!! Help !!!


  1. it's good for u cz i realise the way ppl speak depends on the person u speak to. to eng educated one, we tend to speak proper eng. to typical chinese (like us), we used to add mahh,lahh at the end of the sentences. LOL! so dont worry, im sure ur eng will become pro soon! :)

  2. Yes...agree..that's why i wanna join this club..to improve my english..wan be eng-educated ! hahah

  3. i think u wanna be ba-na-na instead! LOL

  4. lol..siao..duwan la..i am hua ren ! XD

  5. lol, huan~you must overcome this inferior! since you wanna be a professional lawyer in future. Gambateh ya=D

  6. lets have a debate next time!!
    otong vs huan.. LOL... xD

  7. If u continue to join debates, say a big hi to Dr.Chandran, Rebecca Ow, Jiradevi, Avinash and Su Han for me!

  8. thanks..
    Shan : good idea..hahax
    Wei Jiet : yes..i met them..and they told me about your story also..hope to meet you one day in the future :)


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