Miracle :)

"Nak tukar ke law kan ? dah berjaya laaa..."

Stunned. The staff told me this.
Yes, hereby I announce, I'm officially a Law student of University of Malaya !

No more calculator and numbers in my life !
Is this a dream ? I can't believe it !!
I've tried so many times before but it never succeed, and almost death of hope when my first appeal was failed, but suddenly it drops on my hand from the sky.

Thank god. Thanks everyone.
I've too many people to thank to.
Senior who taught me how to appeal.
Peeps that always comfort and encourage me not to give up, and of course my parents.
It's lucky to have you all.

I am really very very very happy..joyful..relieve..i can't use words to describe my feeling. I wanna share this with everyone !
It proves a theory, life is just like a maze, you will not know where you are going to, but as long as you are determined enough to continue, you will find out the way.
The best will be left for the one who is willing to stay till the end.

Everything happens with a reason, and finally i found the reason. :)
26/9/2011- A day to be remembered.


  1. Hooray!!^^

  2. Gosh, I'm so happy for you! See ya back at the law faculty when I get back in January!

  3. thank you !
    wei jiet : i heard alot about your story here..hope to see u soon! :D

  4. "A lot"? I'm thinking that most of it would be the nasty stuff, haha. If you do see Eugene, Daniel, Che Kai, Zhiming or Yeo, do give my regards.

  5. haha..no..your brilliant and amazing career in um..all of them are law seniors ? alrite :)

  6. 真的为你感到开心!好彩你没有放弃UM,然后奇迹般的得到了LAW.
    我读你的blog从matrix 那篇到现在 哈哈哈
    我是f5理科生,真的好希望能进到matrix malacca。。。

    1. Hi Nicholas 最后怎样了呢?进那间大学?


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