
Late at the midnight..just come up here to write some crap stories

Start with my passed orientation week
Everyday with only 3-4 hours of sleeping.
Slept at 2am..but woke up at 4-5am
Full of punishments(pumping frog-jumping etc) furthermore if we were late for meetings
Most of the seniors were acting fierce and strict, to make themselves respectful
Here comes the interesting part..all the valuable belongings were confiscated !!
Yes, including handphone..OMG..can't do anything without that, damn.

Behind the bitters, there were sweet and funny moments too
Enjoyed doing the cheers all the time..each college with their unique cheers..like fighting for dignity for each other
Met and made lot of new frens, learnt alot of new dances, participated in debate and etc.
It was seven days of hell life, but it was the unique and memorable one :)

Okay, start of engineering life.
Don't really like it.
Perhaps time will do.

Paid a visit to ukm KL campus today.
Looks small, but the environment is better than Um in my opinion..
Saw all the familiar faces again..It's really glad to meet the old friends again
I miss KMM's stories ><

Watched Nasi Lemak 2.0 today.
It isn't that awesome as what the comments of public..maybe I've paid too high of expectation
By the way...it's still a very good Malaysia production movie
Goodjob Namewee !!

P/S : I really don't understand, why is it seniority(the hierarchy system) so strong in the university while some seniors are just one year older than us? why can't they just be our normal friends and live harmonically together? grr...I hate it


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