
Showing posts from 2018

Advice to old self

16.11 (Friday) 11.14am at office thought about UK scholarship super concave decision dont limit your options (dont take present as your future). bottom up dont take rewards (not possible) dont work too hard (junyuan worked too hard want certainty so he chose UK), dont maximise, dont optimise, (the seemable best option now (jpa overseas) turn out to be worst. The best option in long run = something secondary or seem worst now) ' the advice of "avoid losses" = more losses '. it backfired as iatrogenics. the movie of 2 dumpsters the most-near-to-best advice is "if you are losing alot, you are on the right track now" ("deliberately and actively lose!" and "lose alot" are not good advice, he won't listen just like he won't listen to "dont take rewards". this kind of hard and fast rule are useless or in fact iatrogenics/detrimental to humans) ultimately the advice to old self = dont take advice ________ when you ...


What is/are the truth(s) that you believe in which very few people agree with you? Mine: Eat alot a lot of fats, they are not harmful. Don't eat rice/bread/noodles/potatoes/corns/grains/wheats, they are not only not good but toxic. Newspapers, tv news, social media news, radio news, and anything about news are not only as useless as rubbish, but as harmful as poisons. Reading and "Knowledge" is overrated. They are not as good as you think. The people who read the most might be the stupidest and the most ignorant (drown by information) Failure, "Just Do It!" and "Take Risks" are overrated.  "Work Hard" and "Work Smart" are both wrong.  "Planning" is the most useless activity on Earth.  The smartest person in a gigantic company might be stupider than the dumbest person in a small company. Economic inequality and income gaps are good things. They are signs of society's progress.  Policy making, politicians, go...

Patience Challenge

Brake your car when green light shines (NOT throttling) Choose the longest queue in grocery stores Off radio for long journey of driving Let your car warm up its engine for 5 minutes after being started. Do nothing and wait 5 minutes, then only start driving ZERO overtaking or changing lanes on highways, just stay on the same lane completely for entire journey DIY and JFDI manually on all things Use the safest lane (the most left) all the way on highway for travelling of more than 30km. Do not switch lane regardless of circumstances whatsoever (eg: a super slow big truck is in front of you) Keep quiet and not talk for 3 days consecutively These are all in tandem with Comfort Challenge . 1. Walk barefoot on streets and shopping malls (It's very soothing to walk on roads/streets after heavy rains, the roads are cool and all the rocks and sands have been cleared) 2. Public speaking (loudly) in inapproriate places with huge crowds True wealths are: 1. Willingness ...


最近Astro AEC播了一部叫 “229明天见” 的新加坡连续剧,题材非常新鲜,讲述一家4口接二连三的被困在2月29日这一天里,意思说他们睡醒后发现新的一天和昨天是一模一样的,都说2月29日,他们一直重复同一天,永远无法看到3月1日的那一天。每一天他们所见到的人,经历对的事一直再重复,妈妈每一天在傍晚都会心脏病爆发,女儿每一个下午都会重复的遇上车祸,然而隔天她们又活了过来。 整个故事感觉非常离奇,时不时也有惊悚和科幻的感觉。但后来发现原来一家四口一直被困在同一天的原因是他们4人都做了严重的亏心事,而且从未为他们所做的坏事道歉或公开。他们4人都是被他们自己的“心魔”所困,所以逃不出229。他们需要把他们所做了的坏事说出来并诚心道歉才有机会逃脱229。这部事看起来是低成本小制作和小卡士,但剧本的创意觉对能拿“最佳剧本"奖。感觉它和The Matrix一样都是基于哲学(或佛学的因果)出发所写的剧本。 这部戏让我联想起再开朗生活再美好的人都有那超级黑暗的一面,就好像剧中的爸爸因为私心一而再再而三的撒谎避免公开自己做过的坏事。 而每个人都面对两个选择: 1) 永远不提也不公开那黑暗的亏心事,反正没人知到。那样可以过着美好的生活,不需面对指责和惩罚。但这个选择的风险是,你越拖越迟,如果有一天东窗事发的活,后果会更严重,受害者更加不可能原谅你。 2)   马上公开和直面亏心事,道歉,忏悔和祈求原谅。这过程超级痛苦,就好像剧中爸爸挣扎了很久很久一直徘徊在诚实和隐瞒之间。但在这风险背后的好处是,直面了,如果熬过了惩罚,得到了原谅或宽恕,等着你的是真正快乐坦诚的无憾人生。 我也想起我做过的“亏心事”,我只和一位朋友说过,其他人完全不知道。他说那只是小事。很多时候我也忘了,但看了这剧后我又想起,竟然还是有一些不安的感觉。这“亏心事”让我得到了真的不少,甚至是名利,但也过后的几年我也得到了一些惩罚。 这戏的主题曲里的歌词 :“我们困住自己,重复着心里游戏,无意还是故意?"

Moronic norm. Be anti-norm

Me: "The battery of my phone is spoiled." Dad: "Then send to service centre for repair" Me: "No, I am going to use screwdrivers to deconstruct the phone and find out what's wrong with the battery, or any other possible problems" Dad: "Why bother yourself so much? You might not know how to do it, and you might exacerbate the problem upon deconstructing it" Me: "The smartphone was once upon a time constructed by an engineer who is a normal human like you and I. When you take initiative to explore something by yourself instead of relying on others, you learn a lot of new things. That's called discovery. I really damn hate the fact that when I was in high school no one encouraged me to explore and discover things by myself, especially computers and electronics. Everyone just took things as its face value, so did I." Dad: "That means you don't have the aptitude and fate to be in computer industry or engineering industry...


The Greatest Showman The Wolf of Wall Streets Office Space The Martian Ladybird Shape of Water Antman 2 Infinity War Black Panther The Matrix Wreck-it Ralph Coco Mother! Pulp Fiction Rosemary's Baby 七月与安生 一念无明 踏血寻梅 六弄咖啡馆 颠佬正传 Dunkirk Boyhood Interstellar Hell of High Water La La Land The Theory of Everything Zootopia Inside Out The Lion King Silver Linings Playbook Life of Pi The Kids Are All Right Up In The Air Up Coach Carter Shawshank Redemption Psycho Forrest Gump Good Will Hunting Batman Begins The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises 500 days summer Pitch Perfect The Producers 香港仔 千言万语 香港制造 新不了情 The Boy

The most painful thing

Most people Most people said: “I want to start my company/business after I: Gain more learning and experiences Gain more capital “ What they mean is that they want to learn more about: The steps/recipe/formula/procedures/how-to/knowledge to: start and run a company/business successfully So that they can successfully start and run a company/business My hypothesis The fastest way to learn about starting a company/business is to start a company/business The most painful thing in life The most painful thing in life is not failure, it’s searching for ways that can avoid failure. The most painful thing in life is not failure, it’s searching for something that don’t exist. The most painful thing in life is not failure, it’s uncertainty. Bad certainty is better than good uncertainty (even though good uncertainty actually doesn’t exist) So bad certainty is better than nothing. It’s very fun to fail small deliberately. It’s funnier to become a prey in the wild...

Only things that you have seen are really real. Hearsays are not

Bizarre Past It's so bizarre that in my life I have never even attempted for even once at all for a serious athletic/sports competition (especially football/badminton/dota) because i believed the anecdote that I am bad that's why I shouldn't join. I shouldn't join because I will not win, I will lose . I should join and I will lose are two totally different concepts. I should join ≠ I should win. I can join and lose at the same time.  It's a clear choice! But all of us will not join something when we think that we will lose it. No one mandates you to not lose when you join something! Losing is a freedom same as joining ! So far in my life I can comfort myself that I have joined many times (9) super mini scale competitions with less than 5 competitors! It's like you can tell people "I am no.5" when they ask you how was the competition (When the truth is that there were only 5 participants) I have never attempted any serious compet...

Day 1

Today, I realised that: I can't change the world (plan/optimise) so I'll let the world to change me (do/work).

A whole new world (Publishing Old Drafts-2018)

21/1/2018 Amazing. These 2 years I have seen people - who is just an executive but bought a house and paying installment for it every month - who failed all her SPM subjects and having no choice but to become a receptionist for 5 years - who relies wholly on RM800 internship fee to survive and have to eat RM2 rice with only 1 dish (vegetables only) everyday - who would give up and say no to things that given free to him when he truly needs the thing - who works and stays as executive for 10 years, day in day out doing the same thing, and doing mindless things on weekends - who has never read a book in life and who is totally clueless about what is 'knowledge' (completely fail in epistemology)

Story Time (Publishing Old Drafts-2012)

May 2012 Woot Woot, Tune to Allen's FM. Story time again. A deep breathe. A great relief. Finally I clear two huge events on hands, that have been following be for almost half a year. First, Pesta Kebudayaan Bestari (PKB). As head of Sales and Expo, and more unique as one of the drummers of Chinese 24th Season Drum ! The experience was awesome. It was a success, I believe, with lots of compliments. And more importantly, it served as a great platform for all of us, the first year students, to form intimate bonding. I love PKB, I love 4th college. Please let me continue staying here for the following years ! Next, QuanBian (全辩) A place that I hated so much at first, but the feeling turned 360 degree at the end. Worked in publicity group. This is where a place that has broaden my sight and vision for so much. Holding a debate competition, is like entering a military army base. You will be attacked and killed at any time, even if you just made a significantly small mis...

The Importance of Suit

6/9/17 The scene below in the Spiderman movie has replayed in my minds for many times. The Ironman gave the Spiderman an advanced Spiderman suit with technology. Spiderman wore it and did some stupid things almost killing many civilians. Ironman now wanted to confiscate Spiderman's suit. Having tried the amazing technologically advanced suit, Spiderman was of course furious about the confiscation. His nerve cracked and he reacted to Ironman: "No! Please don't. I am nothing without this suit." Ironman responded: "If you are nothing without the suit, then you probably shouldn't have it at all in the first place." The scene really made me wonder: People who possess strong ability will attempt to do amazing things (Spiderman gets the suit then become stronger) or People who attempt to do amazing things will get the strong ability? (Spiderman works hard on becoming stronger then he gets the suit) What does that mean? - Many potential ath...

Confidence (Publishing Old Drafts-2017)

23/4/2017 Beliefs and confidence are ghosts. They don't come from words, they are purely emotional and irrational. They come from genuine beliefs. Remember those days when you were beaten down, how the people who loved you kept telling you things like these: You can do it! Common believe in yourself! Just be confident! And most of the time deep down in my heart I ignored what they have said. Because I felt that those words are useless. "It's easy for you to say, it's hard for me to do it." When you genuinely and whole-heartedly do not believe in something, any words will never change it.  One single moment that proves how good you are will change everything. - The guy or the girl whom you like showed interests on you - That one important sport match that you beat a strong opponent  - That moment seeing your fats going away and abs growing out And you can only really feel the real confidence and beliefs after you have done it. Imagining ...

比较生命 (Publishing Old Drafts-2016)

25/4/2016 柬埔寨当志工,驾30分钟摩托,每一次都会在中途油站休息半小时,看向窗外,看到油站工人,看到有人挖沟渠,看到一大堆摩托司机顶着大太阳塞着车,开始想为什么每个人的命运都不同,生命的意义 一向来认为自己还有很多东西还很差劲,一直不断跟所谓的强人比较,要向他们学习,出身大学阶层。可我忘了有些人连中学毕业都是问题。How about the OKUs?人家说不应该跟差的人比,只会更差。但偶尔把眼角放宽,环视各种阶层,会让你了解到,走自己的路循序渐进就好,不要攀附别人。

如何面对人生遗憾?(Publishing Old Draft-2016)

25/4/2016 人生最大遗憾,就是错过了才领悟到那样东西,那件事情的真谛。 中学时学数学,觉得数学不怎么样,只是一个比较生动的科目,最后也不过是学习,不过是考试罢了。 现在发现数学的强大,奥妙。它所包含的逻辑思考,应变能力,大局观,深入明白背后存在的基础理论,和不断要比较不同情况不同案件然后要交互应用相对的理论和公式。 可惜好像有点太迟了,现在很少有机会在碰数学公式和理论 或许只是遗憾吧,遗憾中学学习为什么没有,应该是说为什么不能够珍惜和领悟 可以想象如果当时的我有今时今日的思想,我应该会多么地享受学习数学,那种愉快感 Hindsight is an unfair judge。 可是人生就是如此的特性,在向前看时,因为你不懂未来,所以会有彷徨,会有疑虑,会有负面能量减少你对事件的欣赏。 然后在经历了事情过后,你领悟得多,看得到大局 再(不经意地)用今天的身份和思想往后看,会觉得从前多么地笨,多么地惋惜,那些疑虑根本多余地可笑。 但用今天的身份往后看是不公平的。 人生就是每一步向前时,或多或少会有疑虑,犹豫,踌躇 这些负面能量让你的人生经验不完美,但更完整,因为它参杂了甜酸苦辣,五味XX 我们能做的,就是在向前走时,对那一份不确定性,那份风险,给予信心,给予更多的正能量,相信眼前的一切都是最好的安排,然后大步迈进。 Too many times of hindsight taught me that I should be extremely positive and march forward during foresight

Parents (Publishing Old Drafts-2016)

23/4/2016 My parents are world class parents. They have never pressured me on study or result. Allowing me to unleash my own talent and do things that I like Open-minded and respecting all my choices. Even in the toughest time they were able to deliver things that I need (Car, laptop etc) Concern, love, care, accompany, respect, trust Seriously, they are not the rich, not the successful, not the socially advanced, not the worldly noble, but they are the best in parenting, role model in parenting. Thank you.

Problem Solving (Publishing Old Drafts-2016)

21/4/2016 is the society fucked? When problems can't be solved, people use money to attempt on everything. When classes can't teach kids well, when parents have no ability to educate children properly, they use money for tuition classes, expecting to save the children when human can't solve love problem, they use money to find sex, that breeds prostitute.

Decision (Publishing Old Drafts-2016)

15/4/2016 How do we make a good decision? Empty your mind, ask yourself ONE question: What is the ONE thing that you want? Aim for that one thing, all out to look for possibilities to achieve that one thing. Do you have minimal ideas on how to achieve it? If the answer is yes, then get off your couch. Work on it. Fail? Be responsible towards the outcome.  Own it and come again. That simple. It's never about the outcome. It's never about the result. It's the process, it's the process. Seriously.

Lifelong Riddle about Working (Publishing Old Drafts-2016)

15/4/2016 Too many people misinterpreted the meanings of 'Work hard' and 'Work smart', and further overrated the differences between them. People thought 'Work hard' means a lot of effort with blood, sweats and tears until you have no time for you to have fun. 'Work hard' means you must put extra hours on something and then you can proudly tell others that "You know, how much hours I work per day? It's freaking 15 hours! You know what time I worked until that day? Freaking 12am!'

辞职 (Publishing Old Drafts-2011)

2011年7月22 晴 终于,递交了辞职信,还有最后5天。 提早离开,是因为厌倦了吧 需要些时间,去准备9月开始的大学生涯 享受可能是人生中最后一个那么长的假期吧~

Don't do anything

Keep your money in bank accounts, because stock market crashes are too scary. They will wipe out all of your money! Don't fight for the top position in a company, because they are too hard. You won't be able to make it. They are only reserved for capable people. You are not. Don't talk to attractive opposite genders, because rejections are really damn bad. Your self-esteem will be completely destroyed. If you love to paint, don't publish your painting to public, they are too ugly. If you love gaming, don't join tournament, you will lose. If you love singing, don't sing and post on Youtube. People only watch good singing from famous singers. You are not them. If you love running projects, don't start business, most good ideas have already been taken. Don't take actions, because they are not projects that are 100% sure of succeeding. Don't believe in yourself, because others are better. Don't think big, because you are small. Don...

Follow What You Like

Recently I received emails from some young juniors asking about advice/tips as they are soon attending interviews to be enrolled into Malaysian universities. One of them asked me about the reasons of me choosing UM and Law degree. The question is so simple yet worth asking for every single person to recall why we do what we do. So I copy and paste the answers below to share with you: [Answers] "Why did I choose law" (Course) and "Why did I choose UM" (University) were choices that I made in year 2011 when I was 19 years old.  "Why did I choose law"  Cool but very hard to do I think everyone wants to do cool things. At 19, the cool things that I really fantasised to be were:  Football Athlete/ Dota Professional Player / Singer So those are cool but very hard to do until I felt like not so possible. So I stopped thinking about them. Easy but not cool At the mean time, there were a lot of things that are   easy to do but not cool : Business, E...

About Meanness

I hate mean people. I hate them so much to the extend that I will definitely become one (thus contradicting myself) when I happen to meet them.  One reason is that I was being treated meanly quite often during my teen days. AIESEC That is also the reason why I was so into AIESEC when I was in undergraduate study. It was one of the rare place [1] where majority of the people were trying hard not to be mean, and you can shun someone if he/she happens to be one.  There was this infectious organisational culture which everyone loves to say "Let's ensure everyone has a fair share", or "Make sure that no one is being left out". In fact, the culture was so ingrained that it became a mantra to say so and an obligation to act so. [2]   In local social groups, the minority stopped attempting to voice out as most of their past attempts have been overshadowed by the majority. Here, the minority have an unusually high probability getting heard. In fact, it wo...


23rd January 2018 | 6.28pm | Starbucks Nexus Bangsar South Finished 'working' for a sinecure, I did not go home and instead I came to a cafe. I have not been doing this for almost a year, after my perplexing change of behaviours. I have learned a lot about settling for the good instead of fighting for the best, not risking myself instead of taking risks and "no pain no gain". But my System 1 non-stop craving for the best thing, the most beautiful girl, the most perfect scenario, the best opportunity, the best thing on earth. These things are great, but they are highly volatile, highly risky and the Damocle's sword are hanging on top of you while you got them. And then I started doubting myself that is that real? The risks seem unreal. Maybe I should? Maybe I should be assertive? Maybe I would ended up wasted the best years of my life settling for less? Also, it is possible that I am fine and it is already the best actually. Thank you.