
Showing posts from 2011


不知道该怎么办 好像全部都是不熟悉的事物 好像怎么做也做不完,但时间却一直跟我赛跑 眼前,是一个大难关 我知道我一定要熬过去 可是似乎丧失了那份热情,剩下的只有压力与恐惧 不知道接下来的路要怎么走 我,真的好害怕。


忙里偷闲,上来这个小天地。最近什么最红?跟内安法令说再见?还是用国语学 1+1 ? 都不是,答案揭晓:《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》。 身边的每个人都在谈论着它,电影戏票都一扫而空,连金马奖都入围好几项,连我都看了两次! (虽然第二次是形势所逼)。。。真的有那么劲??? 坦白说,第一次看完了之后,有点失望。笑点很劲爆,赤裸裸地体现了莘莘学子的生活。但,就只嗅到佳肴的味道,却怎么也吞不进肚子里;感受到柯景腾先生想要表达的,却怎么也进不去内心深处。或许我的一位“超级那些年粉丝”朋友说的是对的吧,电影是浓缩版,要真正读过小说的人才懂得用心去体会。 戏后感言? 都一样,都说回忆起他们的初恋。初恋?那我回忆什么东东? 哈哈。。。 以前的我,总是很避忌一个问题:你谈过几次恋爱?我通常都四两拨千金,因为我怕给人笑,笑我这么大把年纪了还没牵过手,还没接过吻。看见四面八方都在吃情侣套餐,自己却还在啃麦当当,唉。 回首二十载,真正让我动过心的女生,用两根手指头就数完了。最后的最后,都没演变成童话故事的结局,是命运?也可能是我自己的问题吧。 后来的后来,看到身边很多人,分分离离,有些更夸张到在一起的时间用两只手就可以数完了。我才想起一句老话,重质不重量。如果那么快就分手,当初为何要在一起呢? 戴爱玲都说:宁可空白了手,等候一次真心的拥抱。 我会等,等待对的人出现。当然,结局可不要跟戏里的一样,我不想当第二个九把刀。 我相信,只是时间的问题。我相信,只是老天又一次地在考验我的耐性。我相信,好的东西是值得等待的。我相信,我能够在人海中遇见你。我相信,我的沈佳宜迟早会出现。:) P.S. : 又跟那群很要好的动物分离了,真的很舍不得:(


终于,我熬过了我在马大最恐怖的一个星期 排山倒海的测验与功课,马不停蹄的会议与活动 彻夜未眠的临时抱佛脚,上班族般的早出晚归 晚上11点的晚餐,凌晨1点才开始的温故知新 Phew..真的担心再这样下去,我的人生会短命几年 但最重要的还是,每一位学生最好的朋友又回来了,假期! 今晚上来,只是想分享一个小故事。 在很久很久以前,某一个下着倾盆大雨的早晨, 有一个男生,如往常般,搭巴士上课。 一踏上巴士,不懂怎么了,今天的女司机好像吃错药,来月经似的,用很不友善的语气责备男生动作太慢,男生听了就有点不爽,但也没计较太多 后来,一路上,那位女司机一直唠唠叨叨的 但经过观察后,男生慢慢发现,原来司机是一位大好人 如果她看到路边有学生在淋雨,她就会马上不管三七二十一地停下让他们上车 下车的时候,她又会刻意停到靠近室内的地方,方便学生避雨 男生知道他错了,他领悟到,无论是看人,看世界,都不能看表面。 人,往往都把他们第一眼所看到的加以诠释,第一印象就决定了一切 有时候,有些人就是那样,外冷内热,表面冷酷,内心却是温暖的 虽然这样的性格,有时候会给别人带来负面的感受,并可能造成误会 但有时候,这个世界,也因为有这一类人,而变得更加精彩 :)


一大堆的书本 一大堆的考试 一大堆的纸张 一大堆的活动 一大堆的会议 不懂得形容 精彩,充实,还是疲倦 给自己的承诺 一而再地推迟 丘品焕,振作! 只有全力以赴,梦想才能起飞!

Life in Ivory Tower :)

It's October. One month passed. Everything is going on, but not all of them are on the smooth track. Legal studies, that is what I desire for a long time, but I found that it isn't easy. Family law, contract, tort...Women Married Act 1957..Hyde v Wrench..Shaw v Shaw..bla bla bla..pening kepala! Time crisis ! Limited time for unlimited activities..Ohh gosh..I desperately want to learn the skills of Phantom Lancer..I need mirror images !! I've been two weeks not going back to see my dad and mum >.<"..feel so sorry..the uni is so near to my home..but im not going back frequently Yea..met alot and alot people in here..It's really Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon ! sooo many talented people here..each with different skills, personalities and knowledge..they're really awesome..I seriously hope I'll be one of the legends here one day in the future.. Let's have a better tomorrow and future ! :) P.S : Many hi-bye friends, but yet to find close-knit peeps..I m...

Miracle :)

"Nak tukar ke law kan ? dah berjaya laaa..." Stunned. The staff told me this. OOHHH MYYY GOODDDDD!!! Yes, hereby I announce, I'm officially a Law student of University of Malaya ! No more calculator and numbers in my life ! Is this a dream ? I can't believe it !! I've tried so many times before but it never succeed, and almost death of hope when my first appeal was failed, but suddenly it drops on my hand from the sky. Thank god. Thanks everyone. I've too many people to thank to. Senior who taught me how to appeal. Peeps that always comfort and encourage me not to give up, and of course my parents. It's lucky to have you all. I am really very very very happy..joyful..relieve..i can't use words to describe my feeling. I wanna share this with everyone ! It proves a theory, life is just like a maze, you will not know where you are going to, but as long as you are determined enough to continue, you will find out the way. The best will be left for the one w...

A Huge Obstacle

Joined UM English Debate Club (Accidentally ?!) OMFG ! Yesterday was the first meeting. Guess what, there are around 10+ juniors..almost everyone of them are english-educated. And many law students ! Yes, everyone was speaking..bla bla bla..u can't heard of a single chinese or malay word. GG..I found that it isn't easy to survive in such atmosphere. I have been living in chinese community for 19 years ! I'll be facing such condition for the following weeks and months Sense of inferior !!! Help !!!

Certified, dead.

Dukacita, permohonan anda tidak berjaya. Lmao, the only sentence that has shown on the screen after I key in my identity card number. They don't even attach with some details. Expected. At the end, I'm still the one that not being chosen. Not meeting requirement? 4 flat, Band 5, koko 90 marks..Anything I did wrong? Yes, who call me apply matrics science? sendiri cari pasal. Saw a fren successfully changed from Econs to Law. He's from STPM, it explains all. The end of story. Let's stick with calculator for a year. P/S : Met a girl who wan to change from Law to Econs, she said she put Law wrongly as 1st choice. HAHAHA..WRONGLY. Seriously, I wanna kill such person.


Late at the midnight..just come up here to write some crap stories Start with my passed orientation week Everyday with only 3-4 hours of sleeping. Slept at 2am..but woke up at 4-5am Full of punishments(pumping frog-jumping etc) furthermore if we were late for meetings Most of the seniors were acting fierce and strict, to make themselves respectful Here comes the interesting part..all the valuable belongings were confiscated !! Yes, including handphone..OMG..can't do anything without that, damn. Behind the bitters, there were sweet and funny moments too Enjoyed doing the cheers all the time..each college with their unique fighting for dignity for each other Met and made lot of new frens, learnt alot of new dances, participated in debate and etc. It was seven days of hell life, but it was the unique and memorable one :) Okay, start of engineering life. Don't really like it. Perhaps time will do. Paid a visit to ukm KL campus today. Looks small, but the environment is...

The Distance of 32.4km

Few more hours, I'll move. Move to a place that's just 32.4km away from my house, journey of 30 minutes only if traffic jams flee away. It's almost nothing compared to the Malacca last year. But the feeling doesn't change. Can't be explained by words and phrases. Perhaps it's the reluctance of leaving home, or even can't accept the truth that holidays are ended. It indicates the end of matriculation story too, and start of separation with my matrics friends Good luck and all the best to them. Meditated and imagined a lot about my future life there. Afraid, to find new friends, to make adaption to new environment again. Hope that I can meet wonderful people and things there. I must, and I'll make my few years of life there as one of my best life chapter !!!

Craps before Honeymoon Ends

24/8/2011 Countdown 10 more days to the life in pursuing square hat. Surprisingly, our prolonged holidays are coming to an end. 4 months plus 10 days, not too long, but definitely not short too. What I did ? A quick review here. Emo-ed after the graduation of matric, found a job of telephone and credit cards, a bird trip from melaka to alor star, famine 30, pulau ketam, bought a camera..etc.. and of course some Main and Must activities in my daily life..Dota, badminton..sing football at mamak..haha And i will never forget the heart-rending day, 15th of July. Hmm..indeed a nice holiday..i'm contented..but just there's still an imperfection or I've to say, it's a failure. The moment when holidays are ending, and school is opening, is always such special..the feeling never change, no matter during primary schooling time, or even till now. Yes, going to study in our renown and oldest university in Malaysia, UM. Gonna part with all my old...

Regards to Datuk :)

Again, the outcome was totally same as Asian Game last year..or even the Beijing Olympic three years ago. Yes, sad to hear that again. When the shuttlecock clashed with the net, the hearts of all Malaysians broke. A very few secs determined everything, he disappointed 27.5 millions of people again. However, the process was totally different. Or I've to say, it was awesome. Compared to the past few times, he changed alot. From the thorough lost in Beijing until the undifferentiated lost in London today. Not only for the technical skills, but more happy to see that he has developed a strong mentality. Agree to one of my friends, the measure of achievement is not in winning awards. Yes, the truth is, he lost. But, he lost nothing actually. The only difference between them, is only the hand-preferred. Luck and faith play an important role. Some may be frustrated. Why is the history keep repeating ? Quote from the advice I got from my friends during UPU announcement, ...

Famine 30 饥饿三十

Finally, I took part in this reknown camp, although I've been hearing of it for nearly a decade Thanks to Jia Ying, abo I will still be knowing it only without participation :) A 2 days 1 night camp, what I can say is, Perfect..indeed.. I enjoyed everything in this camp. We joined the camp at Klang, at Klang Buddhist Association With some 'pakat'..all birds and swans were being grouped to a group..with few other new members...and our group name is 'Sailormoon'..haha We have the best slogan ! Thanks to Chun Wei 我要KFC........不可以! 我要McD......不可以! 我要Pizza Hut.......不可以! 为什么?因为我们是美少女战士! 坚持饥饿到底..Ohhh Yeshhh ! Haha.. The Family game was very nice...with one papa one mama and one child in each's damn hard to survive...I get the role of mama =.+...was tied with a girl(my daughter) all the time XD..but at the end she stil died at round 4 =.+ And the group station games (i enjoyed this the most)..among 10 stages..our sailormoon group won for 9...

End of The Life with Phones :(

29th July 2011 Officially, I ended my career as a Marketing Executive (ME) in Teledirect Telecommerce Pte. Ltd. 3 months ago, simply surfing in, and simply clicking few jobs without studying much details (tikam only..haha) And dramatically, I got a chance for interview, and then get hired. Never thought i will work for such job in my life..sometime destiny and luck are really fishy XD Start from that moment, my hectic lifestyle started. I have to wake up at 6.30am everyday Take ride on the BEST transportation in Malaysia >>> KTM and went back home late at night.. And really live like a typical white collar, wearing formal everyday My task ? sell credit cards from Public Bank to customers through phones ! My first impression was : OMG..isit posible for customer to commit such thing through a phone call only? After a few weeks..I found the answer is, YES. Practice makes perfect. Faced lots of problems at first, some customers will hang up the ca...

Challenge Gifted By God

TAHNIAH! Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut : PROGRAM : MK01 - SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN (AWAM) IPTA : UNIVERSITI MALAYA (UM) Yes. This is what I get. TAHNIAH ? I wanna smash the laptop at that moment. Funny. Just one day ago , I've written a post says that hope to see joy and laughter among everyone. Now I become the laughter of others. HAHAHA. Law of attraction , bullshit. Never apply on me . I'm always the exclusion. Why do I work so hard for a year ??? Feel stupid . Looks like I'm the only one who looks down yesterday. Most of them are getting what they want , congratz to them. I'm always the unlucky one. Nobody will understand how I desperate toward law.. Somebody says : Civil Engineering also not bad mah.. I hate to hear such thing , although I know they are trying to comfort me..thanks.. I cried. Cause I really can't accept the truth, although I've imagined such thing to happen before. But , I know I've to. Sorry dad an...

Critical Moment

A very very simple post just before the judgement day. 15/7/2011 , a day which all the matricians are waiting for (except USM kaki)..until become giraffe XD Finally we can know which road we are going to take No idea on how to check it on tomorrow, cause I will be working. Maybe by sms , but I prefer by internet..the feeling is more syok... And I scare something happens after I check for the result , I will spoil my job.. Either for too happy , or in opposite ??? >< And this time is really serious..much and much more nervous than PSPM !! Good Luck to all my matric friends..hopefully we can have joy and laughter on tomorrow !! :)


Today , in a sudden , my team leader revealed my SPM results in front of everyone (I don't know how she get to know about that)..and then all my colleagues replied in shock expressions =.= Is that result really that good ? only for some people I think..there're lot of people who are better than me..for them that is just a bullshit >.< Then one of my colleague threw one question to me : You got such result..then why are you still here ? aren't you apply for any scholarship and go overseas for further study ? Why ? WHY ? Ya..I also don't know what will be the answer for the "Why".. In my memories during childhood..old folks always tell us that we need to study hard..then get scholarships..then go overseas to study.. That time I'm really naive...I thought what they said was right..and will come easily with hard effort But reality is always such cruel. It isn't. Same as many others, I've been dreaming to study in overseas. And it's still a dr...


这,是我六月的第二篇文章,很久没那么"低产量"了,最近实在太忙了吧~ 转眼间 (又是这个词,那么老土,但总是那么地贴切) 我的工作就快进入第三个月了 问我做的如何? 还不错吧(特别是薪水 ^^) 我需要钱!!! 这两个月以来,看到的真的很多 尤其是在火车上,每天都会看到不同的陌生人,看见人性的真善美,也看见人性的假丑恶 有些人,明明每天都会遇见,却偏偏不认识,就像最熟悉的陌生人 有些人,真的很没品,为了挤进火车,拼命在那边推,完全不顾安全 有些人,明明看见一个老人在站着,却还在那边按电话,不肯让位,那一刻,真的觉得他是全世界最丑陋的人 还深深记得有一次,有一位妈妈,带着两个小孩,为了让他们在人山人海中安全上火车,用身体挡着后面的人 最后她成功了,付了一个母亲的责任,过后还对着两个孩子微笑 那一刻,真的觉得她的笑容好美 美,绝对不是因为她用了什么化妆品,还是做了什么打扮 而是她的笑容充满了爱 那一刹那,我想起了我妈妈 其实,就算看过无数的美女,世界上最美丽的女人,还是自己的妈妈^^ 父亲节刚过,没什么特别庆祝,只是出去吃个饭 可是,有点不同的是,买单的是我~! 没错,出薪水了,感觉给钱的那一刹那好风光。。哈哈哈 爸,父亲节快乐 :) 今天, 无意中和一个同事谈到关于他的家庭 我问到关于他的父亲,他说他去世了 我一时反应不过来,竟给了一个最愚蠢的回答:真的啊? ........... 他的父亲在他幼儿园时期就在一场车祸中丧失了生命 难怪,他没在念书了,而是选择出来工作帮补家里 我还以为,这种情节只会在故事书或电视剧才会出现 原来,平时看他的性格那么外向,背后也有那么辛酸的经历 希望他能加油吧~ 这印证了这句话 每个人的背后,都有他自己的故事~ 最近读了一本书 非常欣赏封面上的一句 遗憾,是带着伤感面具的幸福,它比赤裸的幸福,更加教人回味,更加刻骨铭心 人生,看似复杂 其实,就是那么简单

Reunion :) & Parting :(

Two week had been passed after I came back from Alor Star. Finally I've time to blog about this. It's our trip ! A Bird Trip from Bird Gang. Start from Melaka , end in Alor Star. About the details of the trip , I'm not going to talk here , cause they will be staying in my heart, and my memories gallery forever =) Still vividly remember on 28 of May , I woke up early in the morning, about 5am. Took KTM alone from Bukit Badak to BTS. From that moment , we are reunited again. Started by meeting How , then Jason , Justin , Andrew, Ongpek , Chun Wei , Gxian , Peng and finally Tze Wei. I was really happy to see everyone again, and enjoy every moment in this trip . And feel like really amazing , with a total spending of rm440, and 9 days 8 nights, we've been travel for almost the whole West Malaysia , been 5 places , crossing 6 states. Everyone still the same. The bird-ness of bird gang never lost , we bang-ed a smart tag tiang in klang , like crazy people singing 'Red Dra...


今天,心情特别好 因为我完成了今天的工作(虽然今天成绩不太好,有点pekchek),就开始一个礼拜的假期了! 真的好累,终于可以放轻松了 开始西马走透透! =D 晚上,又到jeth cafe , 做我们一路来都最喜欢做的事, limteh !!! 过后还去麦当当做废事 ! 好像好久没那么多人聚在一起了 感觉还不错=) 但还是没有全部人到齐 =( 明天,又会回到了马六甲,一个熟悉的地方 又会遇到一群熟悉的人,好久没见他们了 也会遇到一群新人,不知道他们是怎样的 期待 =)


23th May , It's the registration day of Matriculation students batch 2011/2012. Saw many of them going back to be faci, justin, andrew etc. I wan too, but destiny don't let me to be. Sigh~ But nevermind , I believe they can do the job same as me , or even better =) Good Luck to all juniors KMM Rocks !!! Recently, my life become like a DvD player , keep playing the same disc Wake up 6.30am everyday, 7am go out , 8pm reach home , then 10pm sweet dreamzzz.. Yea finally I am get rid of holiday formula (3am sleep, 12pm wake up) Found that early sleep early wake(direct translate from chinese ) is really good for health, I feel energetic when I wake up early in the morning ! But really wan to scold something , about KTM !!!!! What the hell public transport is this with never accurate arrival schedule , breakdown incidents , hundreds passengers "sandwich" in 3 small cabs of trains, sometime with aircond out of service Really no comment and speechless I still vividly remember ...

A Happy Judgement Day

Today is 18 April 2011, the judgement day of all matricians~ According to the tradition, the results will be announced around 9am or 10am something. Different from the past, we can't see the amazing scene anymore, when almost the students of whole college gather in front of the notice board, fighting each other to get to see their own results..LoL~ This time, we can check the result through 3 channels ! ~InterneT~ ~SMS~ ~Phone Calls~ However, I was working at that moment. Busy calling people to sign credit cards. Although I know I have enough confidence on my own result, but same as others, I was nervous too.And I didn't do well in my Physics. But I can't check at that time. During lunch time, use my old fashion handphone log on to the digi zero facebook, saw alot of my friends were posting status regarding the results , causing me to be more anxious >.< Finally. I can check it when I was home late at night. I think I am the last few matricians who check the result. L...

C'est La Vie

It’s month of May, it’s the season of scholarship announcement again. Suddenly I recalled back this season during last year, the time when sitting at home, waiting for scholarships, keep thinking how can I use the minimum amount of money to study the best thing ? awaiting + nervousness + expectance…at the end, I get matriculation, thank god . Again, I am active in the educational forum , Recom. That’s a really good and informative website, for students in every stage to get information and knowledge about studies. Results of Matriculation and JPA this year are announced. I saw the thread ‘ Matriculation Application Results’ again in Recom. I read through it, found that there’s a lot of students are confusing, many of them keep asking : Should I choose form 6 or matric ? Even some of them said that, they’ve decided to go for private or stpm, not going for matric. What the hell ??? I was bit angry when reading this, and feeling disappointed. If they choose ...


时钟已指着凌晨2点,明天一大早还要开始为钱拼搏,但还是很想写一些东西 最近接了一份工,工钱很不错下,只是每天都要舟车劳顿,搭最废的ktm到kl...那么远>< 要有回报,就得付出 我不知道我的选择是否正确 可是既然签了合约,做了决定,就全力以赴吧! 可是因为工作不能跟他们去broga hill。。。伤心 >.< 那天,突然间心血来潮,跟爸谈了很多关于人生和未来的问题 不懂为什么,忽然就想起了之前遇到了很多很多不愉快的事 越想,心里就越不是滋味 爸总是安慰我说:“人生不如意事十常八九,应该庆幸你遇到这些事,它们让你成长,变得更成熟,更会面对人生" 唉,说是容易,可是很多时候,尤其是当你真的很努力的付出,但结果还是得不到回报,那种沮丧的感觉,真的很不好受 心里常常都会想:为什么又是我? 我的朋友也说我,为什么好像每次要什么,申请什么,最后都得不到的=.= 我每一次都会去想,去反省,到底真正背后的原因是什么,到底我那里不够好 其实,我们周围真的有太多太多的事情都不是我们所能控制的,运气往往决定很多事,可能也是上天的安排 不是你的,你再怎么死缠烂打,也无能为力 我们能做的,就是把每一件事情做好,把自己做好,全力以赴,就算最后出现坏的结果,也问心无愧,因为我们已经尽了自己最大的努力。 不能成功,绝对不是因为自己 而是上天要继续磨练你,让你变得更好 我相信,只要真的有恒心 成功,只是时间上的问题=)

UKM-Law Interview

Yes. Finally I’ve time to blog about this. After a week. Another important interview, after the interviews of JPA and Petronas at last year. An interview to UKM for enrollment into Bachelor of Law(LLB).Unlike the two interviews I went last time, I had done a lot of preparation and 'homework' before I go for the battle ! Because I know, this interview is important enough to determine my future, although it's just my second choice. But I really hope to get to study law. Depart early in the morning, but still almost late to there (due to critical traffic jam =S)..luckily it's 'almost' only~It is a campus located in Bangi, about 40 mins from my home. Faculty of Law - UKM My Name Tag..Lucky Number 39?=S After I had finished a simple registration procedure, we were called upon to enter a waiting room. When I just stepped into the room, a weird feeling came upon me, I felt stress and unwell...I saw lot of my competitors, all with face of confidence and intelligence. Bu...

Days After Parting

25 April, 4 days after the leaving of KMM Hmm..A question to myself..What have I did ? The answer is....NOTHING Rotten life comes again, history is repeating, same as days after SPM Sleep at 3am, wake up at the time the sun is directly above me Skipping breakfast like skipping classes Sit on chair with elephant gum in front of laptop With Facebook as my best friend The only meaningful things that I did are Hanging with all my old friends in mamak till late midnite ( It's a type of gathering actually hehe) And bring jihxian to eat the food with pig and oil (lol the most famous food in my hometown) Time really has a damn awesome speed (Just slower than light I guess >.<) Just woke up from sweet dream, and immediately switch on laptop and then followed by Internet, look at the clock, it's 7pm already...the end of one day again = = I know , I can't be like that already, CAN'T !!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm..but...what can I do? Work ? No idea bout it, I don't really want to be ...


EXAMINATION , a period that i love, but hate too~ Love >>> It's time to test my ability and what I have learnt, can gain much satisfaction also when you get an excellent results Hate >>> Hmm...our greatest rival >>> LAZINESS ( lazy to study) Phew~ Time to have a short break, after a threatening study week Passed 3 subjects, left Chemistry in the next week Again, as usual, repeatedly, did some silly mistakes in exam Wondering, why can't i do perfect in a exam like those genius? once also can't ! Grr.... Broke my personal record at the night before Physics paper, i slept only half an hour for the whole night ! Haiz....because of hugging buddha's legs... Why? Because I have not pay enough effort before that.... The lecture already in Chapter 31 while I am still in Chapter 24....feel guilty about that... Anyway, Life is not just about studies ! Getting a bad result ( in case) is not the end of the world....we still have lots of wonderful stuff in ...


The very first time I blog in English. Look at the calendar, it's 25 March 2011. Can't believe though. As usual, time is passing silently. There's only 28 days left for my matriculation's life. And , the next week is the last week of P&P(Pengajaran & Pembelajaran) before study week starts. Still vividly remember the feeling when I was studying here 9 months ago : I want to leave here...I want to go back home..I want matric's life ends as fast as possible... But, for now, the feeling is totally in contrast, I am worry about graduation, I don't want 20 April to come so fast...I don't want to stop all the things I have been doing all the year...entering futsal, badminton with friends..outting with friends...bla bla bla...All the memories in here are keep flashing in my mental picture's gallery... Honestly, I want to say that, I don't want to leave here...I like everything in here...the environment...and my lovely friends....


2011年3月11日,下午1点46分 日本本州岛附近发生8.9级强烈地震,地震引发海啸,造成千万伤亡 更糟糕的是,地震造成日本核电厂爆炸,辐射污染随即流传,谣言甚至指辐射可能会随风飘至多个其他地区,对人类造成辐射伤害 这次真的很严重,连余震也有五到六级 看到电视上的新闻,真的很庆幸自己在马来西亚 又一次,上帝再一次用天灾警告人类 2012世界末日,真的不远了吗? 有人说,这是日本人上一代在第二次世界大战时期种下的因,他们当时杀害无辜,侵占他人地盘,造成今日后代的苦果 甚至有人骂他们活该。难道,他们有做错什么事吗?看看那些小孩,他们不是无辜的吗??? 有些人就一直在散播世界末日的谣言,造成人心慌慌 幸好,人间还是有温情,许多国家在灾难后都第一时间派救灾队前往灾区,也有很多富豪赶快捐钱,出一分力~ 希望上天不要再惩罚人类了,希望环保和拯救地球不再只是空喊口号 为所有的灾民祈祷,为全人类祈祷~

A Day To Remember

结束了 ~ 终于,我们有了一个属于自己华人的大型活动 ( 由于校方的限制很多事都不能做 ) 这是一个 prom.. 可是与一般的不同,它是办在下午,不是晚上,所以我们称它为 prom noon XD… 主题是 >>> A Day To Remember~ 身为其中一个 commitee ,早在一个月前就不停地开会,练舞,排戏,准备礼物 … 等等等等 ( 牺牲很多啊 T.T)~ 一开始的红地毯,看起来很乱,当主持又搞不起气氛,haiz..应该是大家都需要‘热身’吧,可是可以看到很多都是男女一对,各有各的伴侣 XD 接下来就正式开始了,先开餐!老实说,食物没有很好吃,只有甜品还不错 ( 可是不够吃 >. Yummy ^^ 表演环节,打头阵的是唱歌,其实还蛮好看的,只是现场音响设备太差,有时候根本听不到歌声 ( 亏它还是 5 星级酒店 ==) 然后就是我们的短剧,专门搞笑的,应该还不赖吧,现场的观众都笑翻天 ^^ Acting XD 还有我们的重头剧,演的就是我们平日在 KMM 的生活,长达 20 分钟,真的演的很棒,可以说是当天最好的表演。有感动到,也有好笑到 ~ 真的很佩服那些演员,更加佩服导演 ~ 给他们一个最热烈的掌声 =) 最后还有我的 solo 环节! RAP XD.. 歌词是自己写的,也是关于学校的生活,表演完后每个人都说我很 yeng.. 很 geng.. 可是我觉得自己表现得不好,尤其是最后一段, 10 分我只给自己打 6 分吧。因为这个表演是临时加的,怪就怪自己没准备好吧 =( 接下来的是游戏环节,有个游戏是要看 commitee 的婴儿照片然后猜名字,发觉几乎每一组都写错我的英文名,哈哈哈 … 两个 i 和两个 n… 我的名字就是那么特别 XD 还有全部人都屏息期待的节目,男女伴舞!看起来每个人都跳到很 enjoy.. 很开心 ..( 男生肯定爽 ^^) 压轴表演, committee跳舞, 跳韩国组合 Beast 的 Bad Girl~ 苦练了两个礼拜的舞 … 真的不容易 .. 过后重看 video.. 没有说跳得很好 ( 还蛮不齐的 ==).. 可是现场有 high 到啦。。我们又不是专业舞者。。尽力了 =) 最后最后!我要说一个难以置信的故事!当晚有投票选 Prom King & P...